One thing (make that Several Things) that consumers desire is choice. Mr. Cook is doing exactly what he should do, and that is to tow the Apple line. It's unfortunate though, that the best he can do is muster a nonsensical attempt at comparison.
MS is not, in fact, trying to "blend" or "force together" PC's, tablets, phones, gaming consoles or "hybrids". Having been 1st to market with each of these form factors (2nd at the latest & well before Apple in all events), they certainly understand & develop for each unique product category.
What MS IS building is a UI that provides an experience appropriate to each device category/form factor while providing consumers with thematic consistency across devices. This is potentially huge, & were I Mr. Cook I'd probably obfuscate my way down to the core.
Win8 will not be perfect, but from all evidence I've seen, it will work well, and it will improve with time. Just like previous versions of Windows, and OS xx, and Jelly-Iced-GingerBean-Combwich. MS is in it for the long haul, as are Google & Apple, and each company will follow their own vision. This is something we can all be thankful for.
If nothing else, at least this triad holds more promise (hope?) for consumer oriented innovation & delight than the cable/telco quadra-slug, or the wicked sister-witches of the wireless duopoly. Talk about stopping progress in it's tracks.....