Yeah... I just don't see the consumer excitement for Windows 8.
And while the business community will eventually start move to Windows 8 (probably sometime after SP1), there isn't really a compelling reason for them to spend the money to perform the upgrade. And if businesses don't upgrade, then consumers won't have any exposure to it.
And on the flip side of the pond... Apple is trendy right now, and people want the trifecta of Apple products (Desktop/Laptop, iPad, & iPhone). Apple has done a very good job of selling this trifecta to users.
Meanwhile we, the die-hard system builder community members, are forced to stay with Windows, and from what I have read so far, most of us are sticking with Windows 7. Not that it matters--we aren't helping either of the top-five PC brands anyway.
At any rate, the market favors Apple and Apple's products right now. No doubt about it. So I'm not surprised by this forecast.