Apple Wants Another $707 Million from Samsung

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This is enough. Here's hoping Apple gets smacked with lawsuits for LTE patents and gets the iPhone5 banned in US and Europe.
Apple: It's not about the money!
1 month later..
i'm so sick and tired of apple getting away with these things.
every iphone 5 user will silently know what a piece of crap he bought, and by the time iphone 6 comes around, apple will start it's downfall!
And the loser is............the consumer.

I can understand why Apple are going after Samsung so hard, half of it's profits come from the iphone alone so it's understandable that the directors feel threatened and insecure by Samsung's success.

What really gets me thought is the seeming lack of honesty and integrity in the court system in both America and Korea (I live in neither country). I get the feeling that a major contributing factor to Apple's successful court win was the fact that their an America firm fighting foreign opposition and vice versa for Samsung's victory in the Korean court.
Samsung really needs to end relations with Apple. pinch to zoom and bounce back, these things are worth hundreds of millions of dollars? Good luck finding another supplier that can keep up with Apple's display, memory, and processor demand. Nobody mistakenly buys a Samsung product thinking that it is an Apple product. The new iphone 5 finally caught up to the galaxy S2.... good job! Apple is just a piece of crap recipe company.
However, People are buying apple products that are full of Samsung components. Irony at it's best. We are suing you, and we would like to place an order for 2 million of that retina display you make. Can we have that 1 billion in credit against next month's order?
[citation][nom]JeanLuc[/nom]What really gets me thought is the seeming lack of honesty and integrity in the court system in both America and Korea (I live in neither country).[/citation]
What ever led you to believe there was any integrity in the US court system? That system has been broken for decades.
Considering that the incompetent jury assigned infringement-based amounts on NON-INFRINGING devices, I think a good first step is to rationally analyze the jury's decisions through the appeals process and THEN even consider damages amounts.

I think it's a dangerous step to even consider damages on "closely-resembling features" when some evidence--which legitimately invalidates some claims IMHO--was not gotten into the original trial for whatever reasons (but could be presented during the appeals?). And if Apple wants to sue for "closely-resembling features," then why not sue Apple over the already-established pinch-to-zoom/view feature that was established far before iOS?
The iPhone 5 only sold half of lofty estimates it was given. It is logical that Apple would want its competitors to fill the gap it is not able to by itself. Perfectly reasonable.


wow! this company never rests it case! My goodness, don't you make "half" the world of money already? This is the extend of how far greed will take you. Apply company has the market niche already for COL (crying out loud)! I had appreciated Apple's product but now I am turned from liking them altogether. I was going to get the new Iphone, but after reading this article, I will change my mind. Apple is beginning to upset its potential customers. This is enough for a company who is about to be worth $1 Trillion dollars in the near future...Apple put away the greed...enough said...
wow! this company never rests it case! My goodness, don't you make "half" the world of money already? This is the extend of how far greed will take you. Apply company has the market niche already for COL (crying out loud)! I had appreciated Apple's product but now I am turned from liking them altogether. I was going to get the new Iphone, but after reading this article, I will change my mind. Apple is beginning to upset its potential customers. This is enough for a company who is about to be worth $1 Trillion dollars in the near future...Apple put away the greed...enough said...
wow! this company never rests it case! My goodness, don't you make "half" the world of money already? This is the extend of how far greed will take you. Apply company has the market niche already for COL (crying out loud)! I had appreciated Apple's product but now I am turned from liking them altogether. I was going to get the new Iphone, but after reading this article, I will change my mind. Apple is beginning to upset its potential customers. This is enough for a company who is about to be worth $1 Trillion dollars in the near future...Apple put away the greed...enough said...
"Apple is hoping the court order will cover not only infringing products but any other products with features that closely resemble infringing features present in infringing products." = "We [Apple] don't want to compete with anyone and all other phones should be banned...and give us more money while your at it..."
[citation][nom]JeanLuc[/nom]I get the feeling that a major contributing factor to Apple's successful court win was the fact that their an America firm fighting foreign opposition and vice versa for Samsung's victory in the Korean court.[/citation]

You are aware that South Korea found both companies guilty and banned sales of devices from both, right?

As an American, I agree about Apple's win here. It was despicable. So many things should have been done way differently in the court, but that doesn't apply to Korea's courts like you say it does.
Here's hoping Apple goes after microsoft for its "modern UI" because Apple did it first in iOS. Maybe we'll get our windows back lol
Apple trying to do what it does best---- stealing. It would be nice if this deceitful company created something of value for a change.
more apple Trololol.. and whats worst is the american court system, this case will probably be in court in a few months while Samsung's LTE patent case will wait til 2014..
Tim Cook:- So our new maps feature is borked straight out of the box?
Map Techy:- Yep, totally borked.
Tim Cook:- Is it a technical issue?
Map Techy:- No, we just need some additional resources and we are good.
Tim Cook:- How much are we talking about?
Map Techy:- Around $700 million, give or take.
Tim Cook:- That's a lot of cheddar, we can afford it but I hate spending money.
Apple Lawyer:- I have a great idea, let's jam a $700 million dildo up Samsung.
Tim Cook:- Great idea, let's do it for shits 'n' giggles

/true story
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