Apple: Win Tabs 'Heavy,' Android Tabs 'Bizarre'

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"they run an os made for smart phones not for tablets"

"honeycomb was made specifically for tablets"

"pshh that dose not even exist in my bubble"
oh lord...I thought Steve Jobs was bad, this guy's even worse!

"they require a keyboard or a stylus as an input device"

Windows onscreen keyboard? and he contradicts himself later by saying they run a smartphone OS. Does the smartphone not have an onscreen keyboard running the EXACT same software?

I am soon to be getting a windows/android tablet hybrid, wont see me touching no iWomens-hygenic-item crap

He's more blindsighted and ignorant than the majority of the apple fanbois
Anyone else notice that the iPad software is EXACTLY the same as the iPhone? It is literally a giant iphone/iPod.
“And so basically you wind up with kind of a scaled-up Smartphone, which is a bizarre product, in our view,” he said.

That's one of the stupidest comments I've seen out of Apple in a while.
Isn't the ipad based on ios - which is also meant for smartphones?
In any event, I'm surprised to see a high placed employee from apple knows the word expensive! But not at all surprised he applies it to the competators products instead of his own. Guess he doesn't really know the meaning of the word, but just the word
To my knowledge the iOS (the OS used in the iPad) is also a OS built for smartphones.

Windows tablets do not need a keyboard. Unless he's referring to the onscreen keyboard.
I'm not much of an Apple fan. But my wife wanted an iPad for xmas. Like the good husband I am, I purchased one for her. She does have a laptop. And I can tell you without a doubt, around the house, she uses the iPad a lot more. Whether its on the sofa web browsing, in bed watching her favorite streaming shows, or in the kitchen looking up recipes, its always in her hands. I asked her why not just use the laptop. She told me because its lighter and easier to handle. To her, its a great content viewing device.

But that is also her #1 complaint about it.. Its only a content viewing device. She loves it though.
“And so basically you wind up with kind of a scaled-up Smartphone, which is a bizarre product, in our view,”
and... what is the iPad then? Doesnt it use the same hardware, technology, and OS as the iPhone? Hell, doesnt it even look like a large iPhone?
Apple appeals to dumb people, so the author does not have to make sense to impress his customers, and win over many many new ones.

Brilliant marketing. iThings are no better and do no more than their competition, however they suck if you want to use them with anything that is not also an iThing. Which in turn makes them suck.

I find Apple's 1984 ad pretty ironic these days.....
I'm gonna say it again, and hopefully this guy reads this thread and realizes what a moron he is. Isn't the iOS for the iPad the SAME as the iPhone/iPod Touch? Doesn't it look similar to those devices as well?

I'm all for tablets, but apple made tablets too simple. the OS is great for a phone, not enough for a tablet. The tablet should be an alternative solution to netbooks. Give us a hybrid between the Mac OS and iOS with a bit more in the I/O department and I'll bite.

P.S. I didn't capitalize apple on purpose...
[citation][nom]Hellbound[/nom]I asked her why not just use the laptop. She told me because its lighter and easier to handle. To her, its a great content viewing device.But that is also her #1 complaint about it.. Its only a content viewing device. She loves it though.[/citation]
Well women are also stupid when it comes to technology. Apple didn't revolutionize anything. They just put a bigger screen on a regurgitated quasi-OS and claimed Jesus would bless you if you bought one. I'll stick with my gaming desktop at home and laptop for on the go until I find a tablet that can do everything I need to do on the go (ie running Windows).

Re: The comment. We already know everyone who works for and buys Apple products is a douche and/or moron.
No surprise here.

Apple is driven by the market, not by a bunch of nerds posting in this thread, who are (luckily) as much insignificant for the market as they think of themselves as smart people for not buying Apple.
What a smartass ;-) The only reason why this guy believes that an iPad is not a scaled-up iPhone is the phone function of the iPad 3G is disabled while the Galaxy tab (& others) still can be used to place calls.
While he may be right about the current flaws of Windows tablets (heat/power), that argument will become weaker as the hardware evolves. Many Windows/PC business users will buy them because they have a very clear idea of what they can do with it (windows is already their platform of choice when it comes to desktop) and developpement of tailor made apps is way faster and easier than on Apple devices (no need to jailbreak or have the applications certified by Apple, more dev tools available,...).
[citation][nom]Hellbound[/nom]I'm not much of an Apple fan. But my wife wanted an iPad for xmas. Like the good husband I am, I purchased one for her. She does have a laptop. And I can tell you without a doubt, around the house, she uses the iPad a lot more. Whether its on the sofa web browsing, in bed watching her favorite streaming shows, ...[/citation]
You're definitely a good husband, really doing your best, but if the only way your wife thanks her beloved for buying her an iPad is to use it in the bed for watching streaming shows instead of doing other way more interesting bedroom things, I'm done with the idea of buying an iPad to my girlfriend ;-) Anyway, I wish you lots of fun with her iPad (because I'm pretty confident that you start using it as soon as she falls asleep... at least that's what I'd do).
Cook said they (Apple) had seen a distinct lack of interest in them from customers.
Yep, with Samsung alone selling more than a million overpriced (thank you Apple, for setting price target) Galaxy Tabs in like what, first month?
Sounds like, "No stockholders, don't look behind the curtain!" You can fool some of the people some of the time, but....

This is no surprise. Most salesman are going to puff up their own product and downplay the competition. I do find it interesting (though sadly predictable) that tablets have been around for years, but if you ask a person on the street right now, they'd tell you Apple "invented" them. They have an uncanny ability to create trends. I don't care for their products, but I've made a bundle off of their stocks!
as much as it pains me to agree with apple, they do have one thing absolutely correct. they will retain a high market share in the tablet market. that said, the only reason is because people don't know any better than to believe all the hype about tablets.

people who actually want to get something worthwhile done get netbooks or laptops.
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