I think it is sad when true journalism is lost and writers regurgitate the fan-boy rhetoric instead of doing real research. Why don't any of you have the guts to say what a lot of the population is thinking and saying?? The fact is, many Ipad users have said that the Ipad feels like a giant Ipad touch, and is running the same hardware (processor, memory, etc) and exact same OS as the Iphone. On the other hand, the android Honeycomb operating system was written from the ground up for Android-based tablets so they would not feel like a large scaled smartphone, something that the Ipad IS guilty of. It is funny when the spokesman for a company can blurt out complete lies and twist around the truth and no journalist has the guts to call out the blatant lie.
Not to mention his next lie that android devices lack the hardware specs and performance of Apple products. Look at the Evo, Incredible, Droid 2, Droid X, ..etc and compare the specs to the Iphone 4. Hands down you get way more processing speed, memory, expandable memory, etc when you go to the Android platform. The android phones are faster, plain and simply. Now, the downside to speed is battery life. The more performance you put into a phone the more it will eat the battery. Apple has made a choice as a company to sacrifice processing speed for longer battery life. There is nothing wrong with this, and is a smart option seeing as how you cannot change out batteries in an Iphone. But here's the rub, why would you blatantly lie and claim that your device has better performance when it doesn't. It is the same old typical smoke & mirrors way of promoting your product against another using blatant lies, yet it is sad that journalists don't do their homework and hold these businesses accountable for their ridiculously false claims.
It's a sad day for our nation when our journalists become biased fans and do not do their homework or report the truth.