Apple's Foxconn Plant Workers Complain of "Militant Culture"

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scuba dave

Jun 1, 2009
[citation][nom]tramit[/nom]Which is exactly what the first commenter did... Stupidity knows no bounds.[/citation]

Agreed. Now, I'm not saying there aren't legit reasons for not buying Apple products.. But realistically, the list is rather small. And the horrible thing is that most people who bash Apple, and other tech companies for using Foxconn-type slave-ish camps.. Is that while they publically bash them.. They are not willing to pay the price to end it all.. which would be un-out sourcing everything.. Which would mean a massive price hike on basically all tech-related products.. And I dare anyone to find an activist that would be happy to pay out an incredible price hike(caused from a per worker wage hike from sub $200 a month to 1160 a month before taxes)

It would be a rather short list.


Oct 29, 2008
Do someone remember the heat Nike got during late 90's, early 00's because of poor working conditions in outsourced factories? I wonder when Apple will receive the same level of bombardment.


Jan 8, 2009
[citation][nom]DjEaZy[/nom]... it seams like conspiracy... Steve is dead... and the floodgates are open... here are the list of other companies, that use foxconn... Acer Inc. (Taiwan) (United States) Apple Inc. (United States) ASRock (Taiwan) Asus (Taiwan) Barnes & Noble (United States) Cisco (United States) Dell (United States) EVGA Corporation (United States) Hewlett-Packard (United States) Intel (United States) IBM (United States) Lenovo (China) Microsoft (United States) MSI (Taiwan) Motorola (United States) Netgear (United States) Nintendo (Japan) Nokia (Finland) Panasonic (Japan) Samsung (South Korea) Sharp (Japan) Sony (Japan) Sony Ericsson (Japan/Sweden) Vizio (United States)[/citation]
As much as TH readers love some Apple news bashing, let's not forget to spread the love around on this one. There are much more to blame here than just Apple, even if we use them as the scapegoat............


Jul 20, 2009
Its a shame that Foxconn make products for EVERYONE. Even though apple is put into negative light because of this, I'd prefer for someone to take all the blame and be forced to make changes that would benefit everyone.


Sep 16, 2010
[citation][nom]olaf[/nom]atleast the robots shoud't complain for a while[/citation]

Waiting to hear stories of robots cutting their own power cables!!! lol

Aside from that WHERE IS THE CHINESE GOV'T in all of this?!?! Point fingers at baddie 'Rich' countries yet China's Gov't no where to be seen. Main reason we do business in China is because they are buying all of our Debt, vicious cycle!!!


Dec 17, 2009
[citation][nom]olaf[/nom]atleast the robots shoud't complain for a while[/citation]

No way, the end would be worse - Skynet will be the result - Thinking all humans are apple sheeps or potential sheeps and thus needs to be weeded out for its pains producing the iGarbage!


Jan 21, 2012
As Benedictus said "There is no good. No evil. No Light. There is only POWER!" and as long as Apple and Foxconn don't thing they have the "POWAH" they will continue to do what they have been doing. Face it unless all Apples client and Foxconn's client die off in one instant these conditions will continue.


Mar 30, 2009
Why can't Foxconn do a better time management for the workers? They should just assign whatever hours a worker can do. If one wants to do a daily overtime, let him/her do it, for specific duration for example. If one wants to do 4 hours a day, then have the next shift ready for whoever is comfortable working the next hours.


Dec 17, 2009
[citation][nom]scuba dave[/nom]Exactly. Everyone uses Foxconn. Everyone is guilty. Saying you avoid Apple, and use another company(that also uses foxconn) because of their abuse of humanity through basically slave labor... Is like proudly announcing you're a moron.[/citation]

Frankly, every Apple fanboi always keeps saying its diety earns most money and by definition then also have the most headroom to make changes... Yet nothing happens so who is the more guilty party? The one earning the most from it or those locked down in fierce competition that have less space to maneuver in? The answer is simple - Like any crime, go for the biggest offender first then work the way down.

So please keep your statement like the above to yourself, its like saying the grand drug lord is equally guilty as the local pusher... that logic will get you far for sure!
[citation][nom]rantoc[/nom]Frankly, every Apple fanboi always keeps saying its diety earns most money and by definition then also have the most headroom to make changes... Yet nothing happens so who is the more guilty party? The one earning the most from it or those locked down in fierce competition that have less space to maneuver in? The answer is simple - Like any crime, go for the biggest offender first then work the way down.So please keep your statement like the above to yourself, its like saying the grand drug lord is equally guilty as the local pusher... that logic will get you far for sure![/citation]

You have a point, but that doesn't mean we should treat the drug pusher as innocent either.


Sep 2, 2010
Foxconn parts are everywhere. This is not an Apple problem, or Sony problem, or a Samsung problem. This is an effect of modern life. Please don't say I used so-and-so products but not Apple, so I'm not guilty.

Foxconn makes every imaginable component you can think of. Everything from whole motherboards, flex connectors, CPU sockets, dongles, cables, etc. If you have a TV you probably have a Foxconn part in your house. If you have a mobile phone you probably have a Foxconn part in your pocket. They are everywhere. If you've connected to the Internet, your data has passed through a router that has a Foxconn component in it. If you printed a document, your probably used a printer that has Foxconn part in it. If you played a video game console, you've used something with a Foxconn part in it. That little fan on your computer case or videocard, probably made in a Foxconn factory.

Do a Google image search for "Foxconn Connector". Look at the first page of images. Can you say you've never used a product that had one of these connectors?

I've seen other people get down votes for this, but the reality is that sweatshops and factories have helped improve the life of impoverished Chinese workers. Now, I'm certainly not saying that these Chinese workers have desirable jobs or ideal working conditions. It is very far from ideal. A lot of the conditions are downright terrible. But it is a step in the right direction.

Many of the these people would other be living in abject poverty working in rice fields, as prostitutes, or petty criminals. Despite how bleak working in the factory is, it's a necessary evil in order to progress the situation there. People are able to earn 4-5 times as much working in a factory than in the rice fields. This allows them to get education and a middle class to develop. I know this is hard to reconcile with Western sensibilities but places like Foxconn help fight poverty, as strange as that idea might seem.

People can and will fight for their rights. The situation will get better. Apple and the other big companies need to step up and create a change. It'll be similar to the industrial revolution in America.

Chinese Workers Cash in Sweat for Prosperity


Jul 11, 2006
The reason Apple gets picked on for this is THEY ARE ALMOST ENTIRELY FOXCONN. A MAC IS a Foxconn machine period. iPad 3 looks to be a Pegatron unit, but thats a new exception, not the rule.

Sure Dell gets motherboards from Foxconn, but the machines are built in MEXICO, with parts from everywhere. Yeah ASUS gets I/O connectors from Foxconn, but for the most part the own their own factories in Taiwan and China or contract out to Pegatron.

Apple has such a large investment in Foxconn, they practically dictate everything they do. They are the ONLY company that has the power to do anything about the conditions at Foxconn outside of Foxconn itself.


Jun 20, 2007
If you've got Apple stock, sell it now. The liberal media has turned on Apple and will be working to bring them down. I guess Apple made too much money.


Are you willing to pay a higher price for you igadget to support better working conditions? With Apple's 45 billion quarterly revenue and 50% profit margin on their products they currently can't afford to demand western style working conditions.


Dec 17, 2009
[citation][nom]blazorthon[/nom]You have a point, but that doesn't mean we should treat the drug pusher as innocent either.[/citation]

Hell no, most major computer companies have earned from the workers poor conditions either directly by hardware or in direcly by selling software to the hardware produced under those conditions. However once the momentum builds up i bet many companies will follow the leading example of the first brave, once its proven it can work that is - few Ceo's and boards dare to show diminishing return to their major shareholders.

I bet some multimillionaires rather have another % in their pile than let the workers have a descent life, shame its the few that ruins for the many in so many cases...


Dec 17, 2009
[citation][nom]alidan[/nom]wow... so you can chose to work there...i really stopped caring about foxconn employees the moment i read that... you dont like it, quit...[/citation]

And get what work? Death in the streets isn't a work last i checked...


Nov 29, 2011
[citation][nom]ko888[/nom]Would you do it for the approx. $250 a month that Foxconn was paying?[/citation]
[citation][nom]matt_b[/nom]As much as TH readers love some Apple news bashing, let's not forget to spread the love around on this one. There are much more to blame here than just Apple, even if we use them as the scapegoat............[/citation]

Depends. What's the cost of living out there?
[citation][nom]rdrash[/nom]Depends. What's the cost of living out there?[/citation]

Undoubtedly cheaper than here if they aren't dying with that little money, but it's not a fair amount anyway, especially for the work hours.


Sep 2, 2010

Quotes from Nicholas Kristof of the NY Times.

"14 years ago we moved to Asia and began reporting there. Like most Westerners, we arrived in the region outraged at sweatshops. In time though, we came to accept the view supported by most Asians. In the years since our first conversations there, we've returned many times to Dongguan and the surrounding towns and seen the transformation. Wages have risen from about $50 a month to $250 a month or more today. Factory conditions have improved as businesses have scrambled to attract and keep the best laborers. A private housing market has emerged. A hint of a middle class has appeared, as has China's closest thing to a Western-style independent newspaper, Southern Weekend.

... it's a very awkward thing to defend sweatshops, if you will. I mean, I think it's useful to be reminded about how grim the conditions are. But again, I just think that if you try to think how you can fight poverty most effectively, and what has fought it within China, then I think sweatshops are a key part of that answer."


Feb 2, 2011
I hope all you douchebags know that your Favorite company too does this. Not only Apple:

Acer Inc. (Taiwan) (United States)
Apple Inc. (United States)
ASRock (Taiwan)
Asus (Taiwan)
Barnes & Noble (United States)
Cisco (United States)
Dell (United States)
EVGA Corporation (United States)
Hewlett-Packard (United States)
Intel (United States)
IBM (United States)
Lenovo (China)
Microsoft (United States)
MSI (Taiwan)
Motorola (United States)
Netgear (United States)
Nintendo (Japan)
Nokia (Finland)
Panasonic (Japan)
Samsung (South Korea)
Sharp (Japan)
Sony (Japan)
Sony Ericsson (Japan/Sweden)
Vizio (United States)

A Bad Day

Nov 25, 2011
"We work hard to give our 1.2 million employees in China a safe and positive working environment and compensation and benefits that are competitive with all of our industry peers in that location," Foxconn states.

Bold: Anti-suicide nets, check.
Italic: Enough for you to live long enough to make us a large profit, check.
Underline: Everyone else is doing the same thing we're doing, check.
[citation][nom]A Bad Day[/nom]"We work hard to give our 1.2 million employees in China a safe and positive working environment and compensation and benefits that are competitive with all of our industry peers in that location," Foxconn states.Bold: Anti-suicide nets, check.Italic: Enough for you to live long enough to make us a large profit, check.Underline: Everyone else is doing the same thing we're doing, check.[/citation]

Not really a good subject for joking about, but I chuckled a little there. Unfortunately it may be somewhat true, at least the second two. I'm not to sure about anti-suicide nets being their safe environment, but I do doubt it's very positive.
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