Apple's Foxconn Plant Workers Complain of "Militant Culture"

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Sep 2, 2011
It doesn't matter that other companies buy parts from Foxxconn so much, considering that Apple is the one that marks them up the most, is the most pretentious, and their stupid consumers are the biggest douchebags. It's all about "crap in, crap out". Apple deserves to be bashed more than all the other companies involved, because they're the ones constantly yapping about how great their crap is.

A Bad Day

Nov 25, 2011
[citation][nom]otacon72[/nom]You're also making at least 100x her salary.[/citation]

That, and doing the same task thousands of time is more likely to give you repetitive strain injury than shipbuilding.


Jun 15, 2010
Such is the world we want to live in. Some poor soul somewhere in Asian works over 60 hours a week as a modern slave while another in Africa starves to death and another in Latin America is scared of even coming out of his house because of rampant gang violence. It truly is sickening that at the heart of those issues lie the corporations who in one way or another, manage to abuse these people and their countries for the sake of profitting, all because we as Americans (and first world members of society) DEMAND all these shiny stuff like iPads that we don't even need to begin with. It's easy to blame Apple and Foxconn but you gotta think beyond that and realize that it's us who allow this to happen, for you and I to have all we have, for us to "benefit" greatly, millions have to be sacrificed. Can we change things for the better? No, because we've gotten too far, we as a society are unrepairable. Becoming less insatiable beings would be a start...


Sep 2, 2011
[citation][nom]A Bad Day[/nom]That, and doing the same task thousands of time is more likely to give you repetitive strain injury than shipbuilding.[/citation]

Ouch! A repetitive strain injury? How vastly more painful that must be than having several tons of steel clip your shoulder and remove your arm outright, or a beam falling on your legs, or your head. No, no: you're right. Putting stickers on idiotPads is far more dangerous.

You just compared the dangers of putting Apple crap together to the dangers of shipbuilding. Buy Apple products a lot, do you?


Jul 7, 2006
Doesn't this sort of thing exist in North America? Maybe the pay is better, but I know people who have worked 60+ hours doing grunt work that they hate.


Feb 4, 2012
If Foxconn was in Greece the complain would sound something like this :p

"So yeah, Im sick of my boss. We have to work 4 times a week from 10 to 4 without
our mandatory 2 month annual leave..."
[citation][nom]fuzzion[/nom]If Foxconn was in Greece the complain would sound something like this "So yeah, Im sick of my boss. We have to work 4 times a week from 10 to 4 withoutour mandatory 2 month annual leave..."[/citation]

Greece is going through some serious financial troubles (even compared with the rest of us), there's rioting and more. Considering everything going on there, I'm not to sure about the accuracy of your statement right now.


May 22, 2009
Foxconn's stringent military-like culture is "one of surveillance, obedience and not challenging authority."

iCrappies help maintain those inhumane conditions besides being swindled with drm infested lockdown mediocre hardware sold at astronimical prices. Oh yes, but it comes in a nice aluminum box with a logo that technological morons equate with coolness.


Jun 26, 2008
[citation][nom]fuzzion[/nom]If Foxconn was in Greece the complain would sound something like this "So yeah, Im sick of my boss. We have to work 4 times a week from 10 to 4 withoutour mandatory 2 month annual leave..."[/citation]

If you get spoonfed by your media, that is one thing, actually researching what hte 12th & 14th wage is, is another all together!

You are so pathetic!

I did a stint there back in the mid '90's.

you get ducted for your 14th pay and your '13th' is what you call your 4weeks anual leave.

So get your facts right!.

They have a MUCH BIGGER AND WORSE PROBLEM of ILLIGAL IMMIGRANTS per capita compared to the USA. Total Pure Greek Population, about 10mil, total illigal, 2mil!! 20% of the population!.

Now for their economics, go figure and BLAME FRANCE, ENGLAND & Germany!

THEY ARE ALL TO BLAME. Why? Because of their terms and pressures of "assisting" a nation that wanted independance from the Ottomans. Thanks to the Russians, they were able to get their freedom, since if not for them, the Brits and other powers of the day would not allow them thier independance!

As for the abovementioned countries, they gave Greece money with redicules interests and terms that they were still paying off original loans from the 1800's and early 1900's, and when they were paying them off, they were insisting on giving them more loans to do 'infrustracture work'.

I won't go in to more details, least to say that it was not the previous governements fault, it was succesive govm'ts.

Just think why they are rioting, IF OTHER COUNRTIES IMPOSE TO YOUR COUNTRY TO PUT AN ADVISOR AND CHECK AND ALLOW WHERE TO SPEND YOUR GDP, IMPOSE AN ACCOUNT OF WHERE YOUR INCOME FIRST GOES TO, AND TAKES THAT MONEY OUT TO 'REPAY' the banks of others and then the left over amount to pay your own people how would your see that?

btw, there is one thing I did not like, and that was the mentality of getting a government job, since if you got in, say at 20, you were only required to work 20 years, so by 40ish you would be on 'pension'! Also, they had one of the largest beaurocracies I had seen, and slow, under the table dealings etc... but for their population, it was a joke. Way to many people in the public sector!
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