Are Arts students truly dumber than Science students?

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Actually, history has it that Adolf Hitler was a painter.

A house-painter to be exact, but still ... 😛
OK, I propose a simple vote, so as to settle this question as to which are smarter - arts students or science students. Everybody ready??



I thought he was studying to be an architectural artist?
Either way, he should have stuck to painting, and chilled the fk out.

Hmm, I heard he worked as a house painter after WW I so as to be able to afford his beer tab at the Hofbrau bierstube (where he and some others formed the National Socialist or Nazi party in the '20s), in Munich. I actually drank a few beers there myself - other than Hitler having been a customer, not much claim to fame IMHO. I think he was also writing Mein Kampf at the time. And yes the world would have been far better off if he had choked on a Wienerschnitzel or fallen off his painting ladder or gotten fatal writers cramp 😛.

Whoa - long time no see, AFG 😛. Anyway, you're the exception that makes the rule, 'kay? :kaola:

Also, I should point out that you misspelled "extraordinaire" in your sig - that makes you more of a science or engineer type obviously 😀.
Well Im not going to judge which is smarter, I know for a fact that if I (an engineering student) did an arts degree I would fail hard, because thats just not what Im good at. But Ive heard a couple jokes which I thought Id share with u guys.

Ok, so what the difference between an Arts student and a park bench?
At least the park bench can support a family of 4...

A new product has just been developed, and it is given to several students and their responses are noted:

Accounting Student: How much does it cost?
Science Student: Why does it work?
Engineering Student: How does it work?
Arts Student: Would you like chips with that?
Ive also got some engineering jokes, it just took me a while to find them. There are tons but Ive added a couple.

Two engineering students were walking across campus when one said, "Where did you get such a great bike?"

The second engineer replied, "Well, I was walking along yesterday minding my own business when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike. She threw the bike to the ground, took off all her clothes, and said, "Take what you want."

"The second engineer nodded approvingly, "Good choice; the clothes probably wouldn't have fit."

To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
OK, I heard a joke once about the difference between scientists & engineers:

As an experiment, researchers lined up 10 scientists & 10 engineers against one wall of an auditorium, and 20 beautiful naked women along the opposite wall. They then told the scientists & engineers that they were only allowed to travel half the distance between themselves and the beautiful naked women once per minute. So all the engineers immediately proceeded towards the women whereas all the scientists remained against the wall.

When asked what was the problem, all the scientists answered that since they could only travel half the distance to the women at any one time, it would take an infinite amount of time to reach the beautiful naked women. The researchers then asked the same question of the engineers, who replied that they realized they could quickly get close enough for all practical purposes. 😀
I heard this joke once:

A scientist, an engineer, and an arts major walk into City Hall.

- The scientist was there to be congratulated by the mayor for winning a prestigious national award for a recent discovery.
- The engineer was there to submit his finalized designs for the new highway to the new industrial park, which will lead to thousands of new jobs.
- The arts major was there to collect his welfare check.

You're what, 14 or something like that? I would assume you can't even collect welfare yet since you are not a legal adult.

Unlike you yanks our welfare lasts for more than 6 months.

You're bragging about your government paying people to not work? That's what most of welfare is here, especially the disability part. I recently was talking to a guy on disability and wondered why he didn't get another job since he was on disability from a minor repetitive-motion injury that prevented him from doing only a few specific jobs, one of which he had and thus he got disability. He was otherwise perfectly healthy and could have done a bunch of other things, but he said he didn't want to go get another job because then he'd lose disability and he enjoyed taking a 99-week vacation on the taxpayer's dollar. I asked him what he did with his time as I get very bored after a few days of vacation with no major projects to accomplish. He looked at me like I was from outer space and asked me incredulously, "What, you don't have a couch and cable TV?"

And the government wonders why it is going bankrupt...
...also, one woman had 10 or some crazy number of kids to collect benefits form the government...welfare to be exact. She would pop out one and, wammo, got more $$$.

Hmm, you talkin' about Octo-Mom?? 😛 She has 14 kids total, but got some reality TV show and a free house, so she's not on welfare.

However I do agree with your implied criticism, that people like her should not be permitted to reproduce..

Another engineer joke (from my former military days) ...

What's the difference between a mechanical engineer and a civil engineer?
A mechanical engineer builds weapons. A civil engineer builds targets.

Art Students are more apraisal type people and designers of creativity like Web page Designing-Graphics-Animation-Multimedia that is their personality! Engineers are more of the craftsman the type of people that know their trade and like to repair and upgrade and mod things. Different Strokes for different folks!
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