are these compatible if yes any ideas

okay if you arent doing any rendering or really heavy modeling and simulator engine work on your PC, then get a cheaper FX-6300 and a more expensive GTX 960

Also instead of getting just one 8GB stick of RAM, get 2 sticks 4GB each.

I also don't reccomend getting Seagate drives because they are unreliable. Get a WD Caviar Blue 1TB or a SanDisk SSD.

Get a VP-450, EVGA 430W or EVGA 500W for a PSU because these are cheaper and more reliable than yours.
If you are curious here is what i came up with it is over budget but i decided i can buy the graphics card and psu on black Friday and put it in my current computer until later this year when i hopefully buy the rest i took some of your advice thnx