Are These Really Doom 4 Screenshots?

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Apr 19, 2011
I think these are Doom4 screenshots because I noticed the habit of having pyramid-like shapes sticking out the floor like in Rage, and I see a woeful lack of any kind of displacement mapping. I'm not impressed. Either the consoles are holding game tech back badly or John Carmack is losing the lead perhaps because he is spending more time as a rocket scientist instead.
Well, the first pic looks a lot like one of the Crysis 2 Screens , the place where you exit from that library sort of monument in the middle and have to get you men aboard the VTOL safely which has landed right where you see the crater in the ground in front of that monument.
With all those flying lobsters in the sky , it certainly gives me second thoughts.


Jul 15, 2008
[citation][nom]oasiz[/nom]You do understand that the GPU is capable and so is the openGL API?Features aren't exclusive to directx11.1. You can still do pretty much everything with openGL, heck, even some older cards can pull off stuff that isn't "directX version y ready" because the GPU happens to support that tech. DirectX is still just an API and when it comes to tech, it's just an good buzzword to promote certain feature sets but it doesn't necessarily mean that it isn't supported.[/citation]

Doesn't matter. Nobody uses it except Id software and the drivers suck so why the hell continue to support it? Your argument makes no sense. Rage sucked so much balls when it was released and also megatextures suck as well. In fact your entire post suck.


Oct 12, 2008
[citation][nom]tomc100[/nom]Doesn't matter. Nobody uses it except Id software[/citation]

These programs all use OpenGL:

Adobe After Effects
Adobe Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop CS4
Adobe Premiere Pro

Now tell me that nobody uses Photoshop?

[citation][nom]tomc100[/nom] and the drivers suck so why the hell continue to support it? [/citation]

Drivers work find, sometimes there is glitches but Direct X also has problems. The highend ATI FireGL and NVidia Quadro cards are heavily developed for OpenGL because the majority of industrial graphics programs use OpenGL.

[citation][nom]tomc100[/nom] Your argument makes no sense. Rage sucked so much balls when it was released and also megatextures suck as well. In fact your entire post suck. [/citation]

Once a texture is in memory the GPU does the rendering. There is no difference if that texture was loaded using DirectX or OpenGL. The same for geometry. Geometry is a mesh of three dimensional points and indices that forms triangles. Geometry loaded with either DirectX or OpenGL is exactly the same once it is in the GPU.

You are not making sense. DirectX and OpenGL are no longer graphics libraries since hardware shaders and programmable pipeline GPU were introduced. The graphics library is relegated to simply loading and unloading resources into the graphics card memory.


Jan 7, 2012
and it has such a horrible engine that it artificially makes the game run worse than it should.
games like crysis should not exist... building for future tech and makeing the gpu brute force things just isnt the way it should ever be dont.

ooo eye candy... yay, game must be great... sadly good graphics =/= good game.

...... I have to give you a +1 on that.

i would rather have ps2 level poly counts, and high res textures than be forced to spend 700$ on upgrading my computer so i can see a pretty game.

.......... WRONG....... YOU paid 1500$ for a 50" HD TV that can do 1920x1080p graphic's, BUT have it plugged up to a P O S that makes 1024x768 look good.

i love that consoles "hold graphics back" for two reason, 1, it makes people who have to have the best looking games possible squirm, and two, it already costs to much to make a game, and most of that cost is in the graphics side, id rather games be cheaper than higher than 60$

......WRONG AGAIN...... same time/same cost. But yes it can cost more if you have a game that you coded to work on DX-8/9 Hardware and need it to do Tessellation, GPGPU support, and Geometry Shaders to name a few. As gamers we keep asking for our games to look more realistic. If you LOVE that consoles "hold graphics back" but the game play is lacking ....... Then please go back to playing DOOM 1 because that is where you want to keep us (referring to image quality).

Thank You For Your Time


looks good from a distance but notice up close how the textures are blurry and have little depth. they seem to be low resolution textures with almost no anisotropic filtering at all. which is the same problem with Rage on the PC. Cmon guys!! PUSH the freaking hardware already!! looks like Doom 4 will be developed around consoles then ported to the PC which is capable of handling so much more...its a shame really.. remember when Doom 3 came out and no one could run it on ultra settings? or wheN Crysis 1 came out and no one could max it out? yea... we need to get back to that style of development instead of this multiplatform development that leaves Pc players with nothing more than consolized ports of pixelated crap of what could be really great games instead of just good games....ugh


Oct 15, 2003
Here's hoping it's better than Doom 3, which to be frank, was pretty boring. I might as well have been running down one corridor for all the choice it gave me. Talk about uninspiring level design and predictable fights. ANOTHER monster attack from behind? And the monster is on its own AGAIN? Where are the rooms full of enemies to BFG? Where are the sprawling levels of previous Doom games? Where did all the imagination go?

dirge inferno

Feb 29, 2012
Wow, more thumbs down. Stupid shits, stop living in denial dumb retards. Doom 4 will suck, Rage sucked and Doom 4 is being developed by the Rage team! Id has lost their touch since Bethesda has raped them!


Nov 22, 2010
While, wandering the halls of Castle Wolfenstein (in all its RGB glory) I would jump in my chair every time a crazy Nazi would come out from some hidden alcove.

[citation][nom]john_4[/nom]Doom3 still is the creepiest/scariest game I ever played.[/citation]

I feel like cutting the lights to my office floor at night and running around the cubicles with a flashlight to see what kind of scary creatures I find...


Nov 10, 2011
[citation][nom]john_4[/nom]I can understand the flashlight (what no duct tape) criticism for Doom 3 but that added allot to the scariness of the game. Doom3 still is the creepiest/scariest game I ever played.[/citation]

Try 'Condemned : Criminal Origins' dude and then tell me.


Oct 31, 2011
Doom 3 gave birth to a new form of hardcore gaming. Ever played half life 2 doom 3 style? It's when you turn off your screen and play the game.


Nov 20, 2011
[citation][nom]caskachan[/nom]>The new Doom installment will also reportedly feature gameplay more in tune with the original DOS-based versions instead of the slow-paced Doom 3.YES YES PLEASE PLEASE BE TRUEDoom3 quake 4 and rage are just slow paced consolized games, please make this one KICK ASS like what DOOM USED TO BE[/citation]

Im sure this just will equate to a painkiller or serious sam type game as much as I wish it wont be.


Sep 10, 2006
You do realize that you're in a terribly small minority, right? At that resolution you don't even need AA. Congratulations on not having anything better to do with your money.[/citation]

you have obvisouly never seen that resolution in action or have bad eyes. you defanitly need aa at any res.
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