So I bought a new pc from a very reputable site that assembled it for me, but I'd like some advice please guys on this situation.
- First delivery, DOA, returned for inspection, dead GPU, replaced.
- Second delivery, DOA again, returned for inspection.. dead MOBO, offered an upgraded MOBO (they covered the small price increase) because other was now out of stock... I accept
- Third delivery, finally boots up fine (Win10 home btw), but several things become apparent:
- The water cooler is on the CPU upside down... without any obvious reason as the tubes have plenty of clearance either side, obv not my mistake, do I have any grounds to ask them to fix that? looks dumb/incompetent with the logo the wrong way up.
- Can't begin using/customizing windows properly because it turns out windows is not activated... says it was already used on another device, I assume that's just because of the MB change, I'm waiting for their email reply on that one, probably an easy fix but for a near $4k pc I'd expect they could have fixed this before sending back.. ugh.
- And here's where my question about being ripped off is relevant:
PC properties states the windows installation was over a month before they even offered to give me the MB upgrade... so does this mean I was given a used motherboard?... or is this windows install date based on the previous install on my old MB and this info carries over? I wanna be sure before asking them about it. :/ they also didn't send the new MB box/manuals etc
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