[SOLVED] are VA panels better for eye strain than IPS?


Aug 12, 2020
Hi there,

I currently have LG 24MK600M 24 inch IPS monitor(https://www.lg.com/hk_en/monitor/lg-24MK600M). This is my first IPS panel monitor. However I see that it's casuing eye strain. The display is good but it looks more in contrast and rich. I've used blue filter and etc but still after I use for like 2-3 hours and my eyes are red. I'm planning to switch from Samsung VA panel (https://www.samsung.com/in/monitors/curved-cf390/LC24F390FHWXXL/). Is it advisable? It looks like IPS is still LCD and I want to move from LED. let me know your thoughts on this.

Unlikely. There are many possible causes of eyestrain after switching displays, from flickering (now rare) through spectral characteristics of LEDs to wider gamut itself (it doesn't get along too well with astigmatism), but the most common is simply different luminosity range in the context of ambient light (i.e. brightness of the wall behind your monitor, which should be similar). Remember that your old display must have more or less burnt out and, if it was a CCFL type, drifted into reds (LED-backlit ones tend to drift towards blues).
Unlikely. There are many possible causes of eyestrain after switching displays, from flickering (now rare) through spectral characteristics of LEDs to wider gamut itself (it doesn't get along too well with astigmatism), but the most common is simply different luminosity range in the context of ambient light (i.e. brightness of the wall behind your monitor, which should be similar). Remember that your old display must have more or less burnt out and, if it was a CCFL type, drifted into reds (LED-backlit ones tend to drift towards blues).
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