The item linked above is an older design with some features you do not need, like ability to accept and use lighting signals from the mobo. Their more recent item here
is ONLY an ARGB Controller. It gets power from a SATA power output from the PSU, and it communicates with your mobo using a cable to a mobo USB2 header. Then it has three 3-pin standard ARGB output ports. You download and use a software tool (MasterPlus+) for free that communicates using that USB2 connection. With that tool you do all configurations and adjustments of the lights. This unit does NOT require ANY lighting header on the mobo.
One small note. There is a new version of ARGB called Gen2 that can do some extra things, but it works ONLY if you have a Gen2 Controller (this one IS) AND Gen2 lights. Most ARGB lights are NOT Gen2. So the Software package will have a setting within it whether to use the new Gen2 mode or the Original mode. Assuming you do not have Gen2 lights in your fans, set this to Original.