News ASML recalls its humble origins in a ‘leaky shed’ in Eindhoven, circa 1984 — it now makes the most cutting-edge chipmaking tools on the planet

ASML (Advanced Semiconductor Materials Lithography), started as a collaboration between Philips, a household name in the electronics business, and Advanced Semiconductor Materials International (ASMI).


A photo of the ramshackle single-story prefab-style construction shows it is joined to the first floor of the Philips TQ building.......
This isn't in the same league as a garage startup.

It is humble for sure compared to how some other corporate sponsored entities get their start. Looking at some pictures though I do not see the HP garage directly connected to the Xerox corporate building, for example.
I recently finished off a 16 year stint in a Dutch company based in Eindhoven. ASML are really well regarded over there, and are often touted as a great example of a really well run company. Even in a different sector completely, like mine, they are held up as a beacon. They also get a lot of support form the Dutch government, which know how to nurture small start ups.
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ASM should have kept them and not let them branch off into ASML. ASM is Dutch too! ASML is not a garage startup. ASM has been around since the 1960's.

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