ASRock Wants the Best Mobo Ideas in the World

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I would like to see a motherboard where all the slots and sockets light up to make it easier to remove and replace parts; a common task of an enthusiast.
Replace screwing the motherboards in with some kind of locking mechanism. This would require the case to be compatible too though. It would make it a lot easier to install new heatsinks/video cards/processors etc.
I would like to see the power conections on the mother board on there side like sata conec tions and on the side where the cpu is to help with cable managment
I'd like to see an option to make a bootable recovery partition on one's hard drive, such as the one's they have on many manufacturer's drives (HP, Dell, etc) without having to resort to a third-party imaging program.
I would like to see a motherboard that supports "Intel® Wireless Display", I think it would be great for htpc setups. I would also like to have a SATA port at the top of the board to make for a cleaner cabling option to the dvd drive.
I would like to see a Intel X58 or P55 chipset microATX motherboard with USB 3.0 and SATA 3 support integrated. There is not a single microATX X58 or P55 motherboard in the market that supports USB 3.0 and SATA 3. I'm interested in building portable capable systems that will support the latest hardware.
A motherboard that has a utility built into the Bios to stress test your components. This would enable OCers to test their settings without having to constantly boot in their full OS. The UI for this stress test could also display pertinent information like voltages and temperatures.
WiFi for Internet and other wiresless devices. Bluetooth for my keybroad & mouse. With that, the power cord will be the only thing at the back of my computer or maybe the antenna. Other than that, I should have a clean and neat desk.
Strip It! Simplify! I want a motherboard designed for those of us that embrace new technology. I want to see the first motherboard with no legacy crap on it. No IDE(pata), floppy, serial, VGA/D-sub, firewire(its dead jim), PCI, PS2 ports. I want 1 bloody video port standard! Somebody just pick one already! I won't buy another MB with 3 different video ports! I want USB 3. Work with AMD and get that crap stripped from the chipsets too. There has got to be some performance advantage to not have chipsets and motherboards designed around legacy junk tech. People who don't want to upgrade away from 10 year old CRTs, IDE CD burners and their massive collection of porn on 3.5" floppies have plenty of motherboards to choose from already.
(A real sound chip would be nice too)
I like good passive heatsinks on the board, a couple lights (just small ones) a bios reset that's easy to do (I've had the jumper reset and it's a pain for people with fingers bigger than needle nose pliers). SPDIF optional, cause all my boards have had it and it's useless to me, I can see where people want it, but not everyone needs it, some stuff is good to have, like PCI-X slots and PCI slots. I'd like to see better layout for cable management/memory layout so people can use them HUGE heatsinx without having to mod their memory modules. Man, the list goes on and on...
I think it'd be pretty cool to create a modular motherboard. Like start out with a microATX with one PCI-E slot, and then have the option to add on a 2nd modular piece to make it a full atx that could add another slot or additional USB3/Sata connections if the need arose.

Then you could upgrade at a later time saving you money up front, and maybe give a little personalization to the specs that an individual would want.

I know its far fetched, but no sense in holding back one's desires.
I would like to see a motherboard that could support 3way Sli, a sound card, a wireless card and a TV Tuner. That comes with USB 3.0 and Sata 3 standard. It would make for the ultimate Home Theater Gaming system. That would not need to be hard wired to the internet.
I would like to see a motherboard with some liquid cooling connector system. For cooling north-bridge, south-bridge, and power capacitors. They already kinda have the concept in place but replace copper heat sinks with copper blocks and maybe completely seal the copper tubes running between the blocks so no leaks with a one direction flow from coolest to hottest then to whatever radiator cooling setup you have. Major over clocking potential.
I want what I consider to be a true enthusiast board.
It will NOT have: onboard sound, onboard video, onboard networking, or ps2/serial ports of any kind!
It will have:
3 full 16x pci-e slots
2 1x pci-e slots
1 pci slot
10 Sata ports
numerous usb/firewire ports
beefy raid controller
Strong overclocking components guaranteed to allow the cpu/ram to achieve its max potential on air cooling.

I hate low quality onboard devices that I dont want.

I want a board that is free of all clutter because I intend to add a high end sound device and either wireless networking or a killer nic.

Basically all expansion slots will be used with a board of this type.

If the consumer plans to do 3 way sli/crossfire and some slots are blocked then you can always use a usb type wireless card. Also, if you primarily use headphones then you can use usb headphones that has its own audio chip and a full sound card isn't needed. There are usb sound cards to. Less crap in the case = less heat = better for overclocking.

I'm hopeful that the exclusion of onboard devices will allow components to be spaced out a little more for more breathing room, increased system stability and lower cost.
I've always thought that more efficient CPU cooling should be possible you you draw power away from the back of the CPU as well as the front. If the CPU socket was made of a material that good a conducting heat then either a second active CPU fan or at least a passive heatsink could be put on the back of the MB.

Taking this general thought a bit further, it would be interesting to explore really leveraging both sides of the MB. For example, you could have the MB basically folded in half with the components (CPU, card slots, etc) on one side and the small connectors (LEDs, switches, USB, SATA, etc) on the other. Yes, I realize this would require new case designs, but it also could allow for much smaller surface area requirements for MBs, and possibly shorter interconnect distances between components.
or a motherboard with integrated gpu, integrated ram and integrated flash memory if that could improve speed. at least i havent upgraded my pc and i dont plan on doing so.
Ok, heres what i want. For 1, keep it to ATX or E-ATX. Next, while it is superficial, please make it look nice. MSI boards look great for example, as does the board above. Just no orange PCI slots and rainbow colours. Next, have an auto overclocker, like press a button, and you get a decent OC for the less intrepid overclockers. Put nice big heat pipes on it, and make sure it is VERY cool. Try to use the best parts, like Hi-C solid state capacitors. PCI 3.0 would be cool, with atleast 2 lanes at X16, but preferably 3 or more. Besides that, just try to keep things nice and cool, efficient, and make sure its a great overclocker!
Expanding on qitupx's idea, if the lights would also change to indicate hardware failure, that would be great for troubleshooting.
A USB 3.0 Header for front panel connection would be awesome, as well as an option to power up the fan headers without powering up the motherboard so us watercoolers can run leak tests without mucking around with cable management while trying to test with a seperate power supply ( I am referring to pumps connected to CPU and Case fan headers for monitoring and software controlling reasons)
I'd like to see the ram slots on a riser card turned 90º similar to the sata ports. Having 6 ram slots is nice, but not really needed especially when you can get 4gb stick pretty cheap, 4 would be enough. By putting the ram on a riser card it would free up a lot of room so the north bridge could be moved between the ram chips and the cpu so you have more room for expansion slots. Making the usb headers and front panel connections a 90º angle would help when placing video cards in the lower slots. Including a right angle adapter for the 8pin cpu power and 24 pin psu connection would make powering the motherboard look cleaner. There doesn't seem to be much near the northbridge and voltregs so making a larger flat heatsink would help cool them down better. Stacking rear panel connections would free up more room for additional pci-e slots also.
The reason for more pci-e slots is that newer ssd such as the fusionIO run through the pci-e slot and are crazy fast. These are just some of the ideas I've though of while at work.
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