Assassin's Creed 3: A warning and a kind request

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Hey guys!

I got Assassin's Creed 3 today and spent almost whole time playing it. However - a dreadful thing happened. During autosave, the game crashed. When I loaded it back up, all my saved games were gone. Went to save game directory - the file was there! However, as soon as I opened it with a hex editor I saw that all it contained was 43 Kilobytes of zeroes.

Here's a warning: backup your saved game as often as you can. Trust me, it feels really bad having lost the saved game - I spent a lot of time on it.

The save games are located at

if you have 32 bit windows: C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames
if you have 64 bit windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames

I will also be writing a program to automatically backup the saved games of the game every 10 minutes - I will post upload link here when I am finished with it.

And if someone, who has played the game and finished less than 4 chapters of the game, sees this thread, could you please upload the save game folder to a file storage like dropbox? I won't be playing the game until tomorrow, and it would be nice to start from somewhere that isn't total beginning.

Thank you.
can someone pls upload some savegame? any savegame...

i was playing till Seq 5 and after updating the game, my save game is damaged 🙁

please kind people, please.

much appreciated.

I hope that patch will include ultra-widescreen ARs, as it stands it doesn't work for multi-mon as its stuck at 16:9 so only 1 monitor usable for my 3x1L Eyefinity config 🙁
Even though they promised proper multi monitor support at launch.
Did this work for anyone? Please don't just send your .saves, but .save.metadata as well! Kind of obvious you need that as well. If it is possible at all... I fear its replay time. all bloody 80% of it.

I was at the bloody last mission, with a lot of side missions completed when it corrupted.... grrr! Shame on you Ubisoft. Simplistic console design really ruins PC games.

p.s. this is for the normal version, not THETA which corrupts it anyways.
Nathoka, god bless you!! Thank you for your save files, because I aslo had the problem with the saves that were deleted when my computer crashed, so you saved me :bounce: And I don't know how, but your seq 6 save file is the exact as mine was, it's the coincidence, but the like a boss coincidence 😀 And If the name in the save is your real name, then you will understand this....Dejane Burazeru, hvala ti kao bogu, znaci nemas pojma koliko sam se mucio kao prvo da nadjem gde mi je jebeni save location na kompu, da mogu sklonim save-ove unapred pre nego sto mi se obrisu u sledeceg puta, i dva puta sam kretao igru, izgubio sam volju da igram Assassina vise u kurac -.- Ali sa ovim tvojim save-ovima si me spasio kao niko, znaci brate hvala ti od srca, i account sam ovde napravio samo da bih ti se zahvalio 😀 Ako imas face, milom te posalji mi link da te dodam za prijatelja xD
And if you don't understand this, then, ***'s not important, and thank you one more time, because your save files saved me ^_^
Hi I uninstalled my p2p versen of the game to install my legal copy and the saves got corrupt, can someone plz tell me exactly how to fix it, shall I just put the in the 54 folder or what? Nothing workes, I have tried to reinstall the game several times already. Sorry for my bad english
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