Assassin's Creed 4 and some other games on PC MAJOR LAG


Aug 28, 2013
So like the title says i am having major lag on some of the games i am trying to play. i know its not my hardware.

comp specs:
GTX 780
intel i7 3930K

i know that windows 8.1 has been having some issues involving lagging with games. i'm wondering if anyone knows what is going on and a fix would be much appreciated. ive downloaded and applied the patch microsoft released a couple days ago for the mouse lag. didnt help. and ive done compatibility troubleshooting and set it to run on windows 8 and windows 7 , same problems.

also it doesnt really seem like a mouse lag just more of an actual freeze lag. the sound would keep playing but the screen would freeze up. ive looked on line cant really find help

Thanks all
4 possibilities I can think of here:

Heat Issue - Go grab a copy of HWMonitor and then start playing AC4 or any other game that is freezing up on you. Run it until the freezing starts occurring and then back out and check the temps. Post them here.

Hard drive issue - If the drive is having problems reading the data from the area where the game is stored, it can cause problems which manifest as freezing. Post the drive model of the volume the game(s) is stored on.

RAM problem - Faulty RAM can also cause problems like this. Go download and boot from a MemTest86+ disk and let it test your RAM for at least a couple of hours. If any faults appear, RMA as necessary.

Outside chance... Power supply issue - This one could be a real pain to diagnose, because power supplies can't be tested while the system is under heavy load. You can only really test for the faults in a power supply that cause things like bootup issues, or device detection problems. Keep this one in your back pocket for now and check the ones above first.
its not a power issue, or ram (COD ghost works fine among a few other games), i doubt its hard drive because of the same reason as ram, and i dont think its the temp because it does get hot playing an hour in to battlefield or cod.

I understand that i havent run those test that you are suggesting running but i believe its more of a software issue or a setup issue
If some games work, all that really eliminates is the power supply (although for the reasons stated below for the other potential issues, the power supply isn't REALLY eliminated as the source either, although it does become less likely). The RAM might not be faulting because the fault occurs at a specific spot which not all games may utilize. The hard drive issue remains on the table because it may only affect certain areas of the drive (certain platters, or certain sides of platters), and the heat issue remains on the table as well because some games run the components hotter than others, and you haven't said which games manifest the problems and which do not.

Run the tests anyway, and please provide more complete information next time. Giving relatively vague descriptions of the symptoms and circumstances around when they occur will only frustrate everyone. We get frustrated with the lack of info, and you get frustrated because your problem isn't getting solved.

If you want a potential software related fix, make sure all of the games manifesting the freezing issue are fully patched, and also make sure that your video driver is up to date (latest version for the GTX 780 is 331.65). For the video driver, it's probably best to do a clean install. You will have the option to run a clean install from within the Nvidia setup wizard (the checkbox for it will appear one or two screens before the install begins). A reboot will be required after the install is complete.
ok i ran a heat test and the low was 38C and the highest when trying to play the game was 54C, I have downloaded the newest GPU driver and that helped a bunch but still lag. im thinking about uninstalling and re installing do you think that might work? and im trying to run the ram test. do you have a suggestion on which file i should choose from that site you suggested
Are those temp ranges for the CPU? Or the GPU? Reinstalling the driver will probably not help if you did the clean install of the newest one as I mentioned above, but there is no harm is doing it again if you really want.

The easiest option is probably the ISO file. You can burn that to a disk, or use something like YUMI to write it to a flash drive and make it bootable.
I figured this a couple days later from when i posted this but i never wrote a response. ive noticed it had a lot of views and some of the things that i did to make it work was i cleaned my temp files. i made the game run on windows 7 compatibility and there is a nice little free game booster made by razer. all of these helped but i couldnt pinpoint the solution. im sure UBISOFT has had some updates since this but i hope this helps anyone in the future reading.