Assistances with modem-router distance


May 20, 2015
I've just moved to a new place and my currently telstra modem cant even reach the end of my house 20-30m+ and was just wondering if PYTHON - Dual Band Wireless AC1600 would be able to do the job i'm currently still connected to ADSL but plan to connect to nbn FW so i need a router-modem atm that can reach 30-40m (154-200m2) without having 1 bar I was speaking to some person at a store who said I need 6 antennas but there around 500 dollars and seems a bit ridiculous
More antennas does not mean more coverage. All routers have the same power limitations and just because a signal can get to your device, doesn't mean your device can talk back. You need to add more WIFI sources rather than try to "blast" a signal from a single point. A mesh network may work, or you may have to look at wired options to connect additional WIFI sources.
More antennas does not mean more coverage. All routers have the same power limitations and just because a signal can get to your device, doesn't mean your device can talk back. You need to add more WIFI sources rather than try to "blast" a signal from a single point. A mesh network may work, or you may have to look at wired options to connect additional WIFI sources.
I agree w/ kanewolf. If you have ethernet distributed through your home, you could drop standalone APs to get better coverage. If you don't have ethernet, then perhaps dropping powerline adapter around the home could be an alternative. Doesn't work for everyone, but when it does, it's an easy and pretty effect solution. Even w/ my worst powerline adapters, I get at ~45Mbps (measured). More than enough for my needs. But every home is different, and so performance varies widely. And if powerline doesn't meet your needs, there's MoCA (using the coax lines). That can be even better than powerline.

So don't get fixated on wireless. Or wireless bound to only one device, stuck in the corner somewhere. The more you can centrally locate it, the better. Then use bridging solution like powerline and/or MoCA to distribute the ethernet from the router throughout the home and drop APs where needed.