Asus 7700 Deluxe Geforce2 : Crashes on video play



Thinking it may solve the occasional and mysterious freeze ups on my PC, I mistakenly installed the latest beta drivers for my ASUS 7700 Deluxe Geforce2 only to realize (after discovering some bugs in the beta) the released drivers were actually newer.

So I uninstalled the beta drivers and reinstalled the 5.33 drivers for Win2k.

After doing so, if I attempted to playback any video file, my machine would give me a blue screen of death. I noted that one of the files referenced on the blue screen was "anv_disp.dll", which is an Asus driver.

So I uninstalled and then reinstalled the Asus 5.33 drivers. After doing so, my computer no longer gave me the blue screen of death... instead it immediately reboots after any attempt to playback video files (Windows media player, quicktime, whatever).

So, 10 hours of attempted problem solving pass...

Having tried everything from formatting my system drive, reinstalling win2k, installing the SP1, and reinstalling the Asus 7700, I *still* get immediate crashes after any attempt to play video.

Other programs seem unaffected (IE, etc), but I have not tested any 3D games, etc... so I'm not entirely certain if it is only video playback that it affects.

I have no idea where this bug is coming from and am beginning to think it could be in the hardware...except the whole thing started from a stupid software install.

Any assistance would be appreciated. Even ideas are good. And don't be afraid to suggest something you think I may have already done. I desperately want to fix this problem.

My machine configuration:

Windows 2000 Pro
Dual Intel Pentium III 933
Motherboard: Asus CUB4X-D ATA Dual P3
IBM Deskstar 75GB HD
Pioneer DVD-ROM
Sound Blaster X-Gamer Live 5.1 (removed to test)
3com NIC (removed to test)