acku :
Even though TH is a global site, we're based in the US. Second, products are always announced before they actually ship. And while the EP121 was announced earlier this year, it really didn't start shipping in sufficient quantities in the US until the past month and a half. (It popped up in Canada early for some reason.)
I had indeed heard they were somewhat hard to get hold of - I guess my wife and I lucked out when we walked into the Microsoft store over here in Bellevue, WA and they had them in-stock back in April. I'd already been considering one for a couple of months at that point, as they were going in and out of stock on Newegg and Amazon even before that.
I also agree in part, though - the batter life of x86 hardware really limits the portability of such a unit compared to 'normal' tablets. However, in my wife's case she needed to be able to use Word, Publisher, and other Windows-based programs that she is used to rather than the apps an Android tablet would offer. I do think she could have been fine with a laptop, as she had previously, but something about the touch interface drew her attention in the store.