Question ASUS GA401qm laptop two issues


Feb 17, 2014
I just bought best buy's custom version of the ASUS ROG GA401 gaming laptop with the ryzen 9 and 3060 graphics chip. Having issues with the usb C ports being fully operational and the mouse is not working right inside at least one game...I suspect that may be a armoury crate issue wondering if anyone else has been able to troubleshoot?

1. I can plug my pixel 6 phone into a c port, computer will see it and charge it, if I plug a hub into the same c port nothing is recognized, the hub works fine if I plug it into an USB B plug (the flat one) so I think the hub is ok have tried two cables so don't think that's it. Asus had me upgrade bios and download chipset package that didn't fix it. I read that some of the asus motherboards have a setting that has to be enabled in bios for power over the usb C port (this laptop has one marked for charging on the left side) but I'm not finding that setting in the bios.

2. Mouse problem is in Black Desert online when I try to look around with the mouse it "sticks" i.e. I can't move the camera around to look, two mice different manufacturers both do the same thing. I don't seem to have an issue moving my view left just right for whatever reason. I've read a few discouraging things about armoury crate and i've tried playing with resolutions and mouse reports no luck so far suggestions appreciated!
Make and model of the hub you're trying to work with? A link to said hub will also suffice. Just for the sake of relevance, what BIOS version are you on at the time of writing? If you're on Windows 10, check to see what version(not edition) you're working with.

two mice different manufacturers both do the same thing.
This might be a sign of either the OS being wierd or that the chipset drivers being corrupt or both. Make and model of both mice used?
The ROG is running windows 11 (wonder if that's some of it). I think the particular hub just plain doesn't work when plugged into usb C, I plugged into a friend's laptop C port it also cannot see the hub so it would seem the description on amazon was incorrect or just misleading, since I bought it another review stated same issue with his. The mice: one is a Asus Gladiator III wired mouse (also sold in wireless version) the other a logitech GA604 wireless this mouse can also connect bluetooth haven't tried that to see if there's any difference yet, probably will. I ran into someone with a similar issue with his mouse in black desert online he said it was resolved for him when he reset his camera settings, tried that didn't fix it pursuing more return to default options when i get a second to look for them all. Latest Asus bios for the laptop is 10 and that's what's on it. I suppose I should load another game on there to see if the problem repeats have to see I can find something interesting to try out.