ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 Ti ROG Strix oc or non oc

I don't think it will matter much on the GPU. Get whichever is cheaper as either can be overclocked manually.

Are you asking if the i7-7700K is worth overclocking? I'd say no not really. It costs well over $100 on liquid cooler to get 4.9-5.0GHz cool enough under stress or a delid + liquid metal application. Not really worth it because I don't see any difference in gaming performance, but I'm just using a GTX 1070.

What resolution will you be gaming at? At 1080p a 1080 Ti is overkill.
I don't think it will matter much on the GPU. Get whichever is cheaper as either can be overclocked manually.

Are you asking if the i7-7700K is worth overclocking? I'd say no not really. It costs well over $100 on liquid cooler to get 4.9-5.0GHz cool enough under stress or a delid + liquid metal application. Not really worth it because I don't see any difference in gaming performance, but I'm just using a GTX 1070.

What resolution will you be gaming at? At 1080p a 1080 Ti is overkill.

I'm Buying a PG279Q so i will running at 1440


That will be a great setup. What is the brand/model of your current power supply?

I'm not sure, i've got a NZXT Noctis 450 ROG case and the Psu is hidden

Thanks for the help