Asus P5N-D Pencil Mod


Aug 28, 2008
I had done the Asus P5N-D pencil mod, but the V-drop doesn't seems to improve, just wondering am i doing the right thing...

I don't know whether the link works..
If cannot please let me know,

Thanks in advance
do you have a multimeter to verify that there is enough carbon deposited on the link to do a difference? You might just need to add a couple more passes to get a solid result.

edit: The MM will tell you the resistance, not the actual amount of substrate added. Just thought I'd clarify.
well I re-read information about this particular mod to make sure I was giving you correct info and it seems that any pencil should work.

so according to this thread:
you are showing the right resistors. If it doesn't work properly at first, add a couple more passes (10-20 seems to be a decent number, depending on the force you put on your pencil). I'd go for a try and test method, ie apply some and try, then keep adding until you are satisfied.

btw: you need to pencil the top of the resistor, not in between (just in case someone new stumble on this and gets the wrong idea).

Good luck!