Asus Radeon R9-290X DirectCU II Detailed, Priced

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There is already a review of this card on PCper^^ Not that big performance difference, but at least it maintains its clock speed at 1050. Overclockability seems to be the same as reference too (1150 ish), but again, it can maintain these clock speeds.
Be afraid of what? lol already proven its overhyped, overheated and lost its #1 selling point all the AMD pushers claimed... Price, its price discount that was a big kick in NVIDIA face is now flipped, so why should I buy this inferior card now (Any 290X for that matter)? TruAudio - pft please its just another DSP eliminates the need for a Discrete Sound Card sure, but your only gonna see the benefit when using the HDMI audio out of the Video card, otherwise its nothing more than a glorified DSP tweaking the sound coming out of your onboard audio wake up people... Mantle? Sure nice concept and needed to allow AMD to compete for real numbers not bogus marketing benchmarks that weren't real world retail numbers so yea sure it will boost game performance for AMD cards by what 10-15%? Well they most likely running at a 20-25% disadvantage so it just closed the gap a lil still weak in my opinoin.
Nice card. Finally delivers the performance that stock cards should have. Doesn't look like it performs as well as the 780ti, but it doesn't cost near as much either, so that's a nice trade off. If you are building the ultimate rig, you go with the 780ti, but if you want to save a bit of money and not sacrifice too much in performance, this card is right there for ya.

Performance difference is pretty much a wash. You'll play on the same settings (minus PhysX) on the same resolution. Might as well save money unless you really want NVidia features.
@ ​irishtr, Maybe you should read some reviews before you let your fanboi shine green. Faster than the 780 ti? No.... but it matches wits with it in nearly every game, some it actually does win. The heat issue was from the reference cooler... (if you could) throw an amd reference cooler on a 780 ti and what do you have ? You are right!! ; A flaming hunk of shit. So try using your head and your lack of computer knowledge to assess the information given to come up with an opinion next time, opposed to just spewing hate. On that note, I think I'll be passing on the directcu, I really want to wait for a 2x8 power card to come out, with a little better map.

EDIT: Bad name Clipboard got ahead of my passion for fanbois :3
The're just too cute.


Fixed 😛
That's what I get for looking at Tom's while at work.

Aren't price in Europe usually higher than in US?

Anyways, Are tom's going to do they own bench mark?

That's the big thing. Now that it's no longer throttled to hell and roraing like a jet engine, it's a pretty awesome card!
If the price converts directly then it's notably more expensive than the 780Ti I just bought. It will probably scale down a bit, but still.
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