irishtr :
Be afraid of what? lol already proven its overhyped, overheated and lost its #1 selling point all the AMD pushers claimed... Price, its price discount that was a big kick in NVIDIA face is now flipped, so why should I buy this inferior card now (Any 290X for that matter)? TruAudio - pft please its just another DSP eliminates the need for a Discrete Sound Card sure, but your only gonna see the benefit when using the HDMI audio out of the Video card, otherwise its nothing more than a glorified DSP tweaking the sound coming out of your onboard audio wake up people... Mantle? Sure nice concept and needed to allow AMD to compete for real numbers not bogus marketing benchmarks that weren't real world retail numbers so yea sure it will boost game performance for AMD cards by what 10-15%? Well they most likely running at a 20-25% disadvantage so it just closed the gap a lil still weak in my opinoin.
That makes no sense at all,
the GTX 780TI has potential to eat over 570watts with skynet BIOS PT and vcore tweaks. At stock sure the 780ti is less that 6% faster @ 1440p and less at 4k over the 290x, but runs out of buffer in 4k in a few games.
Thus I would take a card that is cheaper and actually gives me more vram for less money!