Asus: Transformer Prime Will Launch with Honeycomb

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It's OK, still a great tablet, and ASUS released OS upgrades pretty soon for their previous devices...
And, for those that want to take it a step further, there is always xda-devs.
hope they made the screen less shiny...the reflective screen made it look terrible next to a Thrive or Galaxy Tab...
[citation][nom]otacon72[/nom]Windows 8 tablet + docking station w/keyboard = RIP Android based tablets, netbooks, notebooks, etc etc. iPads will always because around because of the iSheep but the only thing Android will be running on is phones once Windows 8 comes out. What's the point? I want to run a real OS and real software not just carry around an oversized Droid. I guess you could say the iPad is an oversized iTouch but with Apple's marketing they could but shit on a shingle, call it the iCrap and it would sell millions.[/citation]

#1 Any knowledgeable technically savvy individual with disagree with just about everything you said.

#2 The quality of an Apple product is unsurpassed by ANY company

#3 Android is an AMAZING operating system and there are more companies backing it than any other OS on mobile devices.

#4 Don't post here when you have no facts and when you use terms like "iCrap", you are ignorant and your opinion is "Crap".

#5 "iPads will always because around because of the iSheep" --- Drugs and alcohol don't mix well when making posts....
[citation][nom]eloplayspolo[/nom]double post[/citation]

Its ok, at least your post was logical and made complete sense. I would gladly read it twice before reading otacon72's post again.
Google really should get the device makers to hold off a month and sync release of new high end hardware with the OS update and advertise it as such. Here you have a wonderfully designed new tablet with a new quad core SOC architecture and it would have been the perfect thing for Google to launch 4.0 on and advertise the hell out of the platform with it.
[citation][nom]eloplayspolo[/nom]#2 The quality of an Apple product is unsurpassed by ANY company#3 [/citation]Does anyone else find this statement a tad subjective?
[citation][nom]eloplayspolo[/nom]#1 Any knowledgeable technically savvy individual with disagree with just about everything you said.#2 The quality of an Apple product is unsurpassed by ANY company#3 Android is an AMAZING operating system and there are more companies backing it than any other OS on mobile devices.#4 Don't post here when you have no facts and when you use terms like "iCrap", you are ignorant and your opinion is "Crap".#5 "iPads will always because around because of the iSheep" --- Drugs and alcohol don't mix well when making posts....[/citation]

as an android fanboy I think it is my obligation to join this fanboy conversation.

@otacon72 - win8 might have all the "real software", but tablet is a consuming device where most of the "real software" don't fit well. why buy a less powerful tablet for the same price or more if you need that keyboard attach to it all the time?

#1 I will not say win8 is total out yet. they will have to fight the same fight wp7 fight. but with MS kind of money backing it, it will have at least a foothold.

#2 not the case as seem in this video and this

#3 as an android fanboy I am obligated to agree with you here

#4 anything apple is over price, under power. they got nice looking device yes, but their form over function way (i.e. "you are holding it wrong") is just not what people who wanted work done go by.

#5 see ad hominem fallacy
I just wished, they would come out with an WACOM version as well. I am desperately looking for a WACOM tablet that can also be attached to a keyboard. Lenovo has one, but its only Tegra 2 and as far as I know, now keyboard attachment option.

The reason I am not looking into a Lenovo tablet PC is because of the weight, and price. Current LENOVO tablet which uses Android 3.1 has a good battery life but i think it would be under powered for Windows 8 dual boot.
I simply want to address #2, As a hardware engineer that has been employed in the Mac/PC Repair industry for going on ten years I can say that Mac currently uses some of the Worst made hardware on the planet.

Having the majority of their hardware made for them by Foxconn and Pegatron, these two companies come together to make what is widely regarded as the worst hardware manufactures around.

When Asus created Pegatron it was so they could make shit and sell it at stupid low prices to the likes of HP. I think we can all agree that they are not the highest quality of them all. Now Pegatron will be building a majority of the iPhones you use.

Foxconn, well what is there to say there? Who here thinks that the Xbox 360 is the most reliable piece of hardware out there? Red Ring anyone. We might see some better hardware out of this company if their employees would stop offing themselves. Do you think Apple minds that your iPhone was build with blood on it? I don't.


The fact is fanboys like to share little opinions as if they were facts.
[citation][nom]cbfelterbush[/nom]I simply want to address #2, As a hardware engineer that has been employed in the Mac/PC Repair industry for going on ten years I can say that Mac currently uses some of the Worst made hardware on the planet.-CBThe fact is fanboys like to share little opinions as if they were facts.[/citation]

I don't see any "facts" in this statement....
it is simply an opinion.
[citation][nom]eloplayspolo[/nom]I don't see any "facts" in this is simply an opinion.[/citation]

This is a statement based on experience, not just fanboy jarble, and I can add to it.

I've worked in IT for a little over half a decade myself and generally when people bring in a computer for software issues, it's a PC. Roughly 85% of the time it's because they downloaded a virus, are being slowed to a crawl through spyware, or are using ancient drivers that don't play nice with newer software.
The rest is hardware and there is no real pattern between "I dropped it" to "It just stopped working." Hardware defects from Asus, HP, or Dell are rare for the workshop.

A great majority of people coming in with Macs are hardware related. One time a girl came in with a virus, and it was the first recording of this virus strain, but no viruses other than that. The Mac seems quite idiot proof when it comes to software, but the components don't hold up like their PC counterparts. I will say that the Macs airflow design is quite nice so I don't understand why when I spec them I see very high temps.

Until I see high end manufacturers putting their products in Macs, why risk it? Phones are a little different as the hardware isn't put through quite as much strain, but then again you can't boot camp phones yet (that I know of) so getting an iPhone still makes some sense.
They use shit hardware. iPods catching fire, Macbook Air is always overheating. I had 4 PowerBook G4 laptops, they were great, save that all four suffered a HD failure 1.5 years in. All four. 24" iMac is losing HDs left and right.

Many other companies that sell dirt cheep laptops, and desktops are sorced using the same crap. I am not suggesting that the PC market has better hardware, simply that the junk apple has been using is no better than the junk other companies use. i.e. Microsoft, HP/Compaq.

You were almost clever pointing out that I simply stated a group of opinions, and that is very astute of you, however the last line is fact as demonstrated by #2. I need not point out a source as you yourself have done a good job as to highlight some drop tests that prove that his fanboy opinion was incorrect even though he posed it as a fact.

Manicslayer is on the right path. I concur with him as to the issues seen in shop. PC's are by far more virus related that hardware, the number of times a Mac has came in that wasn't hardware related is almost the opposite by the same comparison.

However I must say that the HP dv2\6\9000 laptops have Huge failure rates, guess who made them?

[citation][nom]cbfelterbush[/nom]They use shit hardware. iPods catching fire, Macbook Air is always overheating. I had 4 PowerBook G4 laptops, they were great, save that all four suffered a HD failure 1.5 years in. All four. 24" iMac is losing HDs left and right. Many other companies that sell dirt cheep laptops, and desktops are sorced using the same crap. I am not suggesting that the PC market has better hardware, simply that the junk apple has been using is no better than the junk other companies use. i.e. Microsoft, HP/Compaq. You were almost clever pointing out that I simply stated a group of opinions, and that is very astute of you, however the last line is fact as demonstrated by #2. I need not point out a source as you yourself have done a good job as to highlight some drop tests that prove that his fanboy opinion was incorrect even though he posed it as a fact. -CB[/citation]
Don't think for a second that their consumer devices (iPods and such) are better. The only thing Mac I own is an iPod that I had to rebuild(due to HDD failure x2 and battery failure once). I bought parts online from eBay and adapted an SSD inside. Talk about overpriced junk... At least Apple did not see one cent of my money after the initial purchase. Funny how their fanboys always point to their "superior quality". Lame.
I apologize to dionye, I gave credit for him pointing out the links to the drop videos to the wrong person.

My brother is on his 8th iPod in four years because they use the Best hardware IN THE WORLD...wait that doesn't make since.

[citation][nom]Parsian[/nom]I just wished, they would come out with an WACOM version as well. I am desperately looking for a WACOM tablet that can also be attached to a keyboard. Lenovo has one, but its only Tegra 2 and as far as I know, now keyboard attachment option.The reason I am not looking into a Lenovo tablet PC is because of the weight, and price. Current LENOVO tablet which uses Android 3.1 has a good battery life but i think it would be under powered for Windows 8 dual boot.[/citation]

Samsung 7 Slate, core i5, 4Gb ram, wacom. Boots in under 17 seconds.
[citation][nom]cbfelterbush[/nom]I simply want to address #2, As a hardware engineer that has been employed in the Mac/PC Repair industry for going on ten years I can say that Mac currently uses some of the Worst made hardware on the planet.Having the majority of their hardware made for them by Foxconn and Pegatron, these two companies come together to make what is widely regarded as the worst hardware manufactures around. When Asus created Pegatron it was so they could make shit and sell it at stupid low prices to the likes of HP. I think we can all agree that they are not the highest quality of them all. Now Pegatron will be building a majority of the iPhones you use. Foxconn, well what is there to say there? Who here thinks that the Xbox 360 is the most reliable piece of hardware out there? Red Ring anyone. We might see some better hardware out of this company if their employees would stop offing themselves. Do you think Apple minds that your iPhone was build with blood on it? I don't. -CBThe fact is fanboys like to share little opinions as if they were facts.[/citation]

18 suicides...
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