Asus Z170 vs H170 vs H170 Pro Gaming for skylake


Nov 29, 2015
Hello, can't decide which is better for my new pc (skylake i5 6600, 16gb ram, gigabyte GTX970 4GB G1)

Its for games /no overclock

I read that h and z only difference is overclock, is that correct?

Also what is the difference between h 170 and h 170 pro gaming? (other than marketin)
Since you are planning to game on this PC, I would recommend a z170 motherboard, as the H-series Intel chipsets are not really intended for gaming builds. And about the Asus Pro Gaming mobos, a good part of it is marketing, but they do have some pretty nifty gaming-centric features. I would just recommend buying something that fits your budget; it's not worth paying hundreds of dollars for a motherboard, because it won't make much of a difference when it comes to raw system performance. Heck, my PC can dominate Crysis 3 on max settings, and it has a $70 B-series micro ATX motherboard! (Which was a bad idea in retrospect, but whatever.)