Couple things: First, I have no issue with ocing, been doing it for years. Probably longer then most people on here have even been messing with computers. Thing is I don't overclock when I first get the system. I have reasoning for this, see if I oc now, then the only path to a faster system is by upgrading. By getting fast now (or in my low money case, over a short period of time) I can oc later when the system starts to feel sluggish. This greatly extends the effective life of my processor for two reasons, less chance of electronic migration because I have the proc oc'd for less amount of time overall, and second, with the speeds people have been getting out of these procs, its like buying another 1000Mhz. Which anyone can easily see would be a "felt" speed increase.
I would love to do an entire system upgrade, you have no idea how much I want to. But fact is, I would rather buy faster parts over a fairly short period of time (about 3 months) and end up with a faster system, then upgrade all at once and not have much speed. This upgrade is actually part of one i started about 2 months ago by replacing my HDD and DVD burner, then last month, i replaced my GF4 ti card with the 7600GT, and even though its agp, if I was buying a pci-x card, i still would have went 7600GT. And what has been shown time and again is that we are still not utilizing the full bandwidth potential of AGP. They honestly switched just to get people to buy new stuff in my true opinion. Sure we will need PCI-x later, but it's not needed right now, or if it is, then it JUST started now with the high end 8800 series, i don't know what kind of bandwidth they use so I can't say. Also on the 4th when newegg had a eagletech case for $100 plus a $100 rebate, I was able to justify buying a new case as it would only cost me $18.88 I think it was for the shipping. So the mobo, cpu, ram, and psu are the only things left that need to be upgraded. After the mobo, cpu upgrade within a month hopefully I will switch to DDR2 ram, probably 1 stick 2 gig so i can upgrade to 4 gig by years end. And in about a year, I will upgrade to a PCI-X vid card whatever is the best I can get in the $100-150 range of the time, as long as it shows a marked improvement over my 7600. That is part of why I kept my GF4 so long is it was an insane card that was able to best cards that were supposed to be better, long after i bought it. Plus factor in ocing it, and it was a mean mamajama 😀. So honestly, i really didn't think about it all, but your right I do need a full upgrade, but also I am right as I am doing a full upgrade. It's just taking me about 6 months to a year to do so. Plus I figured it out, if I sell everything that is in my system now parted out, it will net me about $175, if I sold it whole, I doubt I would get much more then $100 from people that had an idea of what they were buying. It is just because I had some high end parts in the day. I am leary about the Asrock board, and do plan to upgrade it to a asus board next year when I get the new vid card. It will be weird going from the top line board of AXP line to a low end C2D line. But my money situation is different now then it was then. On the other hand, I have heard many good things about the asrock board, and I have heard of people getting some decent oc's on it.