ATI 4870 fan fix question


Jul 17, 2008
Hello all,

I just did the fan fix and it works great - however I have two cards installed and the fix only is working on the main card. Both fans are detected in Catalyst so I just need to know how to create a profile that does this for both cards.

Any help is appreciated - thanks!
Well I am an idiot ;p

I scrolled down and it has a section for the second card - made the same settings.

Another question - I set the fan speed to 65 and at idle it is 56C - other people say they get it down to 35 or so... am I doing anything wrong or how do I get those temps?
While the temp would depend on other factors like the air flow in the case and the room temp etc, I really doubt the 35C claim using a reference cooler.

Your temp sounds inline with what I have and what I have heard from other people.
I have on 4870 and I get 44c idle 55ish load with a fanspeed of 40%. Like Swift said, maybe your case doesn't have as good air circulation as others.
OK - this is very odd.

First off let me give you some specs - quad core - case is a NZXT TEMPEST.

I have 2 cards crossfired - my second card I just applied the changes to and it is idle at 37C - while my main card is still idle at 56C - I am not sure if there is more airflow getting to the second card?

Is 56C a good temp and is it OK to keep both fans running at 65 all day? (I never turn my comp off)

Also when gaming what should I set the temp speeds at?

Did a clean install of ATI 8.7 driver and CCC.
Added some Zalman Super Thermal Grease GPU and heatsink area of HD4850.

Idle Temp is 43C.


Make of HD4850 is by PowerColor.
One difference is my memory clock is at 900MHZ and yours at 750 - could that make a difference and what does the memory clock do?

Hes got a 4850, the default Memory Clock for the 4870 is 900MHz.

Ahh ok - is the default settings good for the 4850 - right now it is set GPU Clock 750 and Memory clock 900mhz. Also from question above is it ok to run these all day at 65 fan speed w/out damaging the card?

Thanks for your help.
65c should be okay. I can't remember exact what temperature they can handle but I believe it was somewhere in the 100-120c range. Can anyone verify?

Sorry I should of been more clear.

The main card is running at 56C and second one at 37C idle.

I meant having the fan speed % run at 65 for both cards all day - is that OK.