ATI 9200 based cards OK ?


Mar 4, 2002
I've just discovered my "old" Radeon 8500 (2x AGP) won't work in my new P4P800 mobo (8x AGP).

I wasn't planning to buy a new card, so I don't want to spend a whole heap on a new 8x card.

What do you guys think of ATI 9200 based cards... (64MB)

or the other ones I looked at were Ge4 MX440 (64MB)

I'm NOT into 3D games much (Tiger Woods 2003 would be it) but I mainly use my PC for digital photo editing (Photshop) and DVD video encoding.

(It's hard to keep up with what's current and good when you only update every 18 months or so and what you bought last time is now in a museum)

Thanks Tim...
Ive already posted to tell you its AGP 4x. Even the TNT2 was AGP 4x Compatible. It will work in that mobo and will outperform both of those cards you have listed.

<A HREF="" target="_new">Yay, I Finally broke the 12k barrier!!</A>
Thank You, Thank You.

It's GREAT to be able to get advice from real users and knowledable people like you guys rather than the person in the computer shop who's most likely going to tell me I should get a new card. $$$ ching ' ching'

Thanks again...
Your card came out around 3 YEARS after AGP4x came out! You know how long 3 years is in computer technology? Here's a clue:

The TNT2 came out with AGP4x available (not used by some card companies). Then the TNT2 Ultra. Then the GeForce 256. Then the GeForce DDR. Then the GeForce2 series. Then the Radeon DDR from ATI. Then the Radeon DDR dirivatives like the 7500, 7200...And FINALLY the Radeon 8500! So we are talking SEVERAL GENERATIONS of card!

Now, if you approached me in a shop and said "I want an MX440 because my 8500 is only AGP2x", I'd tell you "I think you're mistaken" and sell you the MX440 anyway. Why? Because the guy down the street would lie to you, to make a sale. You'd believe his lie, think me a crackpot, and I'd loose a customer...permanently.

By simply saying "I think you're mistaken" without further argument, I give myself the leway to allow you to find out for yourself you WERE mistaken, and without loosing my reputation for honesty! Score two in favor of the honest dealer who allows his customers to remain stupid!

<font color=blue>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to a hero as big as Crashman!</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to an ego as large as Crashman's!</font color=red>
8500 is AGP 2x??? ya and the BMW M3 only has a V2 engine right??? whoever told you that has gone coco for cucupoofs lol

Proud Owner the Block Heater
120% nVidia Fanboy
I'd get a nVidia GeForce FX 5900Ultra... if i had the money and if THEY WOULD CHANGE THAT #()#@ HSF