ATI AIW 9800 Pro - CD out internal connection


Mar 6, 2004
On the ATI A-I-W 9800 Pro. The documentation states I need to connect the Audio out from the card, to the Audio in of the Sound Card. There is also a audio out on the board. Is there a problem with using the internal connections? On ATI website they say they highly recommend using the exterior connections?

Any thoughts? If the internal is fine - Do I just use a standard CD cable with a different connections? The CD cable is L,Grd,Grd, R and the ATI is Grd,L,GRD,R???



Former Staff
Using the internal cable is fine. There are two standard types of ends for CD cables, the bigger black ones are RGGL, the smaller white ones are RGLG, and cables that provide both ends are wired properly for it.

You can connect it to your CD input, or an Auxiliary input, on your soundcard.

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