Ati and my pile of 9700's


Feb 20, 2002
I got 2 9700 pro's here. They both work. They will post, boot into winxp, fine. Just not in my system. I was told that my motherboard (Abit KX7-333) was not good with earlier revisions of the 9700. I tiold 2 people at ATI this. So today when I eagerly open the package I got in the mail.... same damn revision card. Knowing it would not work, I installed it anyways just so I could tell ATI that I did. Did the same thing. I get a post beep, then a corruped screen.

So now I have 2 cards here, one I paid 310 for, and one I paid 400 for the pre-ship. I have already emailed ATI about this. Unfortunatly, I got home late (because of a traffic ticket) and missed being able to call them by a few minutes.

This sucks. Im getting charged interst on top of all of that because I used my credit card on both of them.

Whats a guy to do? I could send both cards back, head out and buy one from a store and hope it is the right revision, or by a craptastic 75dB GeforceFX.


"Apple is more like the French army. They have great style and class, they often get praised for their valor, and they do everything except win."-<A HREF="" target="_new">Ed Stroligo</A>
Good motherboards are less than $100 nowadays. Is there a bios revision? Is this a via problem or what is the real problem?

<font color=red>
<A HREF="" target="_new">The French are being described as cheese-eating surrender monkeys.</A></font color=red>
I have the latest bios from Abit.. unless I can find a beta or a hacked one out there...

But I have seen on the compatability list on rage3d that my board will work, and have been told that the earlier versions of the 9700 dont play well with the KT333 chipset. I guess it is a via problem then. But my beef isnt with via right now, Its with ATI who listened to my problem, let it go in one ear and out the other and left me right where I started.

Im not too keen on going with a new mobo, I just got this one a few months ago.. I do like it and havent pushed it too far as my memory is still just pc2100 (max stable fsb : 155).

"Apple is more like the French army. They have great style and class, they often get praised for their valor, and they do everything except win."-<A HREF="" target="_new">Ed Stroligo</A> <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Lonemagi on 03/03/03 11:47 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
I totally understand. I want to buy the videocard though and was curious what the problem was.

I wouldn't buy a new motherboard either, but I wasn't sure what kind of cash you were sitting on.

Is there a new bios for the 9700 that might help? People have been modding the bios to get the 9500 to 9700 so maybe there's something out there that would help you....

<font color=red>
<A HREF="" target="_new">The French are being described as cheese-eating surrender monkeys.</A></font color=red>
Dunno, 6 people on's compatability list are showing it works with my mobo.. and they are useing the same bios as me.

Big thing is, these cards worked in a dell machine at work, an Intel 400mhz fsb 2.0ghz system.

If worse comes to worse, my girlfriend needs a new comp, I could get her a nice new tbred b like mine, crank it up on this mobo...

"Apple is more like the French army. They have great style and class, they often get praised for their valor, and they do everything except win."-<A HREF="" target="_new">Ed Stroligo</A>
Have you tried stripping your system of all PCI cards and then testing the video card? Just in case the conflict is with say a SB Live soundcard. Also try unplugging all non essential components like CD Roms and floppies to test the Power supply.

The aim of military training is not just to prepare men for battle, but to make them long for it. <A HREF="" target="_new"><b>MY SYSTEM</b></A>
Dont use creative's products any more, so thats not the problem. It was jst an incompatable motherboard

<font color=red>*</font color=red><font color=white>*</font color=white><font color=blue>*</font color=blue>
... And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free, and I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
So You know I would be willing to trade you a ATI OEM 9500 NP and 100 bucks including shipping for one of those 9700pro's, what do you think? Okay but seriously though, maybe it is a voltagte issue with your motherboard or PSU. Have you tried a different PSU or another mobo of the same type and chipset?

Just a computer junky<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Maverick494 on 05/28/03 02:48 AM.</EM></FONT></P>