wow, yes that is rather disgraceful
BUT, your highly Nvidiotizing the latter part of your paragraph. the 9600pro IS more expesive yes, BUT, it offers much much more performance than the TI4200. for todays games, yes a TI4200 is *decent*, but dont count on using anything other than standard texture filtering and 2xAA at most. older games you can up them sure..
the 9600pro is a much longer lasting investment, as 16xAF and 4xAA usually dont hinder it in new games and its shader performance is on another level compared to the nvidia counter parts
another thing that angers me is people who throw the 9100/8500 into the same bucket as the GF4MXs. the 9100 is MUCh better, almsot on par with a TI4200.
NO, you wont get a good 3dmark score, but more and more in seeing how off the mark 3dmark is (no pun intended). my 8500le (250/250) is damn near as fast in rendering pixel shaders. advanced pixel shaders, which are more likely to be used in todays games is actually teh same
<A HREF=" " target="_new"> TI4200 current score </A>
<A HREF=" " target="_new">8500le score</A>
<A HREF=" " target="_new">TI4200 with 2xAF</A>
now enabling 16xAF on my 8500le created no noticeable slowdown in games, and i would post a score but my have sinse fried it
now.. notice the fillrate. multitexturing performance is absolutely removed, and modern games use multitexturing alot more than 3dmark2001 does so the performnace hit is even greater
Genetic Weapon will come and contradict me but all he plays is UT2003 which does work better on GF4TIs.. its been designed around the hardware. hes also a big 3DMARK nut.. so he praises his TI4200 for its bloated score. i should also mention, that by going from 44.03 to 45.23 drivers my shader rendering has dropped by quite a bit.. in one of the tests i used to get 150 fps and now its like 90 i believe.... shows you how much Nvidia tweaks things up (which doesnt mean real world performance gains)
so to sum it up, i agree about the 64bit 9600pro. thats just SICK. ITS GROSS. its WRONG.. it shoudla never happened. just like the 64bit 5200 should have never happened
btw where did you get that? from Newgg? they are nutorious for having false details about graphics cards.. ive seen a 256bit TNT2 once on there so i wouldnt count that as fact..
actually, im starting to NOT believe it so could you link me to the place where you got the info?
and to say
Ati sure give a slight discount at the top end but leave the rest of us high and dry wonding why we even considered An Ati card
is kinda er, taking the words outta people mouths wouldnt you say? how can you say something like that .. have proof? i personally AM considering a mid range ATI card..
teh 9700nonpro.
<A HREF="" target="_new"> come to THGC chat~ NOW. dont make me get up ffs @#@$</A>