ATI Catalyst 10.5 Radeon GPU Drivers Released

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Must say I had quite a few problems when I installed these. The vertical grey lines bug was back, and the graphics drivers crashed amidst installing. I rolled back to 10.4 drivers, and everything was fine again. I might just wait for the 10.6 ones.. (I have a Sapphire Vapor-X HD5870 1GB)
yes thos driver relased in 26/05/2010 offcialy ati amd
10.5 whql

maybe are new fixed 10.5 version 2 ? marcus !!!!
[citation][nom]Falx[/nom]Must say I had quite a few problems when I installed these. The vertical grey lines bug was back, and the graphics drivers crashed amidst installing. I rolled back to 10.4 drivers, and everything was fine again. I might just wait for the 10.6 ones.. (I have a Sapphire Vapor-X HD5870 1GB)[/citation]

Damn... I have the exact same card. I guess I'll give it a try anyways.
HIS V2 5770 1GB working fine with the 10.5 drivers. I really wish they'd put more effort into release notes, they were doing so well for a while...
[citation][nom]scrumworks[/nom]Marcus is really snappy with the news. 10.5 were released like two days ago.[/citation]

TH is always like this. they do great articles but we get news stories days sometimes a full week after it happened.
[citation][nom]duckmanx88[/nom]TH is always like this. they do great articles but we get news stories days sometimes a full week after it happened.[/citation]

Yes...Its unfortunate but TH isn't really a news site.
Question: Unless there's a desired fix you're looking for in a driver update, is it REALLY necessary to update your driver and risk your "good" config with 10.x?
This new driver works better on my 5830. I actually just installed Windows 7 last night and discovered the driver then.

On XP the old driver was causing crashes, so far with the new driver so good, although I havent tested any major games yet.

In regards to Linux (Ubuntu 10.04)the new driver gives me a message in the lower right had corner with the AMD logo and "Unsupported Hardware" that is persistent. It was getting late so I gave up on working on it until this weekend, but it was frustrating.

Anyone else having this issue?
[citation][nom]scrumworks[/nom]Marcus is really snappy with the news. 10.5 were released like two days ago.[/citation]

[citation][nom]duckmanx88[/nom]TH is always like this. they do great articles but we get news stories days sometimes a full week after it happened.[/citation]

That is not even the most appalling thing here. When they reported the release of the 10.4 drivers, they didn't mention a SINGLE WORD about the 2D performance being corrected - it was clearly stated in the release notes, even after I sent them several messages through several means (e-mail, messages through the site). - And I'm not saying a review, they did not even report the fact that AMD said it!

Not only that, they still didn't do a thing to report if AMD has actually fixed the problem.

What is VERY strange here is that is was Tom's Hardware to bring up the problem with a 2-part article and now they stay quiet about this! What is going on ?
IL2 may well be ancient but a new part time dev team has taken up support releasing several new planes and expanding all areas. Until something better comes along it is still the best WW2 sim available
[citation][nom]pei-chen[/nom]Why would someone voted down Falx for reporting a driver problem?In any case, I'll test this on the 5770 I just received yesterday[/citation]

Fanbois maybe?
I have tried to install the driver on a Sapphire 4770. It crashes during install every time I try. I have a rig with i5-750, Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD3, WD Caviar Black 500 GB on AHCI and 2x2 GB of Kingston Hyper X DDR3 1333 XMP at 7-7-7-21 on turbo mode.Hello AMD...?
They need to fix the spotty HDMI sound issue having to do with clock changes. This is not the sound experience you would expect from a top of the line 400 dollar card. It would be great to be able to disable the automatic downclocking, at least during full screen video sessions. Everything else is amazing. No regrets about not waiting for Fermi
[citation][nom]boogalooelectric[/nom]In regards to Linux (Ubuntu 10.04)the new driver gives me a message in the lower right had corner with the AMD logo and "Unsupported Hardware" that is persistent. It was getting late so I gave up on working on it until this weekend, but it was frustrating.Anyone else having this issue?[/citation]

Ubuntu 10.04 will locate restricted drivers for ATI graphics. I have a Gigabyte 890GPA-UDH3 with integrated 4290 HD graphics, Phenom 555 II X2 (unlocked to 4 cores under windows), ect. The default restricted drivers show that same logo. I downloaded the 10.4 driver package and viola!, no more annoying logo. But!, I did not remove the original restricted drivers (because I am a Linux noob) and so there were conflicts and crashes. I did a fresh install of Lucid, and I am living with that stupid logo for now.

Are you sure you installed the package correctly? Because in my situation the, logo disappeared after the ATI 10.4 install, despite the fact I didn't do it correctly by removing the previous proprietary driver.
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