ATI Issues Fix for Grey Screening 5800 Series

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Dec 11, 2006
hmmm... in the hotfix page it says "alleviates".. in my dictionary alleviate means "to make something less severe".

Does this mean they have no way of solving the problem?

Or does this just mean there is a new Bios version being prepared that solves the problem along with a decent software solution integrated withing Catalyst. I konw Hotfixes are just a temporary remedy, but the word hotfix includes the word "fix" and therefore it should.. er... fix the problem and not just alleviate it.

This raises the concern if they are not just tinkering with voltages and clock speeds to try and avoid returns on those cards and thus prolong their life. I wouldn't think so because if that is the case they probably won't last the entire warranty period anyway, but it is weird that they don't say what causes the problem and how the hotfix fixes it.

Also, where did Tom's get the update that says the hotfix also applies to 5700 cards ? The hotfix page doesn't mention that.


Nov 19, 2009
[citation][nom]PynkFloydd[/nom] if they could just fix the audio issues for multi-channel PCM above 24 bit/48 KHz, I'd be happy.[/citation]
Didn't realize there was trouble with that, that's troubling. could you give more specifics about the problem?


@tpi2007 thats why its a "hotfix" is a fix thats not supposed to be the definite answer to the problem, but rather a little sumthin' sumthin' to make it work properly until next driver comes


Nov 20, 2008
[citation][nom]filmman03[/nom]wow, if this was nVidia, we would still be waiting for a fix[/citation]
Expect for the part where nvidia isn't known for buggy drivers while ATI has had that rep for quite a long time.

If this was nvidia you'd be flaming nvidia for not doing things right instead of thanking ATI on fixing something that should have never been a problem.

food for thought


Jul 3, 2008
[citation][nom]dragonsqrrl[/nom]Didn't realize there was trouble with that, that's troubling. could you give more specifics about the problem?[/citation]

It's pretty well documented over on AVSForum and it's been brought up on ATI's own forums (although you'll learn that nobody related to the actual company cares enough to check the ATI forums).

Basically... If you set audio above 16 bit/92KHz or 24 bit/48KHz and play any unprotected (err, non-DRM, PCM) audio while you have windows set to a 5.1 configuration, the channels go crazy (front goes to back and L+R go to center, etc.) and you get massive (the kind that blows speakers) disortion. This problem is brought on anytime you open a new window or do any kind of multi-tasking. Slight distortion is also present on 2 channel, 24 bit/192KHz settings, but you don't get the channel problems.

I don't believe this is hardware related since 24 bit/192KHz audio works fine when you're playing a Blu-Ray and bitstreaming audio. Multi-channel PCM also work pretty well if you keep it below the above mentioned settings. Keep in mind that PCM works fine with the 4XXX series of video cards (I just upgraded and have tested it extensively with a 4870). This seems to be a problem related specifically to the way PAP is implemented in the new cards. ...on AVS, people seem to believe it's a problem with the Powerplay feature of the new 5XXX series. Who knows? Unfortunately the latest date on the driver is November 13 and they don't seem to be in a hurry to fix this issue.


[citation][nom]IzzyCraft[/nom]Expect for the part where nvidia isn't known for buggy drivers while ATI has had that rep for quite a long time.If this was nvidia you'd be flaming nvidia for not doing things right instead of thanking ATI on fixing something that should have never been a for thought[/citation]Sorry, fanboy. Nvidia drivers aren't bullet proof like they once were. In fact, they haven't been all that great since WDDM 1.0. Just recently there was a whole slew of driver releases from them that had terrible performance in CO, forcing use of old drivers. Their current WHQL drivers seems to have fixed that problem, but they broke overclocking. I'm not saying their drivers suck, but they're no better than ATI/AMD.
[citation][nom]IzzyCraft[/nom]Expect for the part where nvidia isn't known for buggy drivers while ATI has had that rep for quite a long time.If this was nvidia you'd be flaming nvidia for not doing things right instead of thanking ATI on fixing something that should have never been a for thought[/citation]
Anyone remember black screen freezes/resets on 8800 cards under Vista. Yes over 9 months with no fix(even then it took many drivers for a good fix). I guess both companies suck equally.


Aug 25, 2007
[citation][nom]tpi2007[/nom]Also, where did Tom's get the update that says the hotfix also applies to 5700 cards ? The hotfix page doesn't mention that.[/citation]

We asked ATI and a spokesperson informed us that the hotfix was also for 5700 cards. :)


Oct 24, 2007
[citation][nom]IzzyCraft[/nom]Expect for the part where nvidia isn't known for buggy drivers while ATI has had that rep for quite a long time.If this was nvidia you'd be flaming nvidia for not doing things right instead of thanking ATI on fixing something that should have never been a for thought[/citation]

Anybody saying that nvidia hasn't had buggy drivers is either really lucky, doesn't game alot or is in denial. And as far as saying that Nvidia "isn't known for their buggy drivers" is just a testament to advertising, short term memory of the American people (or any other country apparently) and the skill of covering up issues.
I suppose everyone has forgotten or didn't hear about the , what were the numbers?, 37% or so of all windows Vista crashes in the first 6-8 months after release of the os.

Personally I think that Nvidia is just alot better at lying and their fans are alot more stubborn


With these 5 series problems its clear they rushed the pos to market or just don't care. What doesn't work ? Sound problems ,eyefinity problems, eyefinity/crossfire problems, glitching, stuttering, gray/black screens of death. I'm sure some hard core gamers will be switching to Fermi next month, quietly or not.


Jan 20, 2009
After I installed the hotfix I noticed a pretty severe drop in framerate on ME2, went from silky smooth to prolly around 18-20 fps though I didn't measure it...a system restore back to before I applied the fix, rectified the issue...not sure if anyone else had this problem...


Jun 18, 2009
[citation][nom]NapoleonDK[/nom]Applied the fix, NOW I can play Crysis.[/citation]
As I remember, people were having problems with purble place, not crysis :)


Jun 25, 2008
[citation][nom]elel[/nom]As I remember, people were having problems with purble place, not crysis[/citation]
Now the question is: but can it run purple place?



Mar 16, 2009
Any chance of a quick before and after benchmark to see if this patch affects performance on cards not displaying symptoms? Can't really do a benchmark on a broken card since it could ruin the performance data if it gray screened.


Jun 6, 2006
[citation][nom]notty22[/nom]With these 5 series problems its clear they rushed the pos to market or just don't care. What doesn't work ? Sound problems ,eyefinity problems, eyefinity/crossfire problems, glitching, stuttering, gray/black screens of death. I'm sure some hard core gamers will be switching to Fermi next month, quietly or not.[/citation]

Wow...another fanboy. I've got a 5850 driving three 1920x1080 LCDs and playing Dragon Age in EyeFinity with no problems. Been running EyeFinity since I got the card over a month ago and have not had a single issue. Maybe I'm lucky? I'm no fanboy (having come from a 9800GTX) but I'm pretty danged happy with the 5xxx cards (have a 5770 in my son's computer and a 5670 in my HTPC) - I don't see me switching to whatever the heck nVidia calls their card when it comes out.
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