ATI Radeon HD 5830 Fills Price/Performance Gap

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I just have one question for the Tom's Hardware editors. Why write up this news article when its clear that you guys have a new feature article on the left of your homepage which tells us everything about the 5830? (that article, by the way, was a very awesome, informed article) 😀

On another note - I'll probably stay away from the 5830 til it comes down to the $199 - $209 price point. It would just seem wise to me...
it looks like that new gen of cards is just a low power+Eyefinity+die shrink of the HD4xxx series

at least there is progress. imagine this cards will be the igp's of the future. low low power, eyefinity and dx20.1

now, if fermi can raise the bar feature-wise... we'll see
No matter how you slice it most of the 5xxx series below the 5850 are disappointments.

Customers expect more performance from a new gen and this is not what we are getting. Even though the core is clearly capable of much more AMD is crippling them and telling us we should ignore performance and be happy with extra features and then to put icing on the cake all the 5xxx cost more than their 4xxx counterparts!!!

Less performance for more money???? New features that in large part cant be useful enough because the card is to crippled to REALLY take advantage of those features???

Shame on you AMD your getting greedy. I hate Nvidia and own your stock but your doing nothing for me now. I have to hope fermi gets here soon and does a half assed job so there will be some kind of competitiveness in the market.
I guess you need a lot of cards to go arround when your only competitor does nothing but anounce product dellays.

[Insert clever comparison between Duke Nukem Forever and Fermi here.]

If Fermi does in fact ever make it to market I'm sure we'd see price drops across the board on the 5xxxs, even if Fermi isn't as good.
too expensive to be considered over a 5850 or 5770 and two, how did it end up so much of a power hog and how did it come out larger than the 5850

A die shrink and a bit of a hardware tweak then give a new name and sell it as a new card, a bit like what Nvidia is being berated for with the G300 series except when ATi do it it's fantastic and Nvidia are evil. Nice double standards don't you think?
[citation][nom]cknobman[/nom]No matter how you slice it most of the 5xxx series below the 5850 are disappointments. Customers expect more performance from a new gen and this is not what we are getting. Even though the core is clearly capable of much more AMD is crippling them and telling us we should ignore performance and be happy with extra features and then to put icing on the cake all the 5xxx cost more than their 4xxx counterparts!!! Less performance for more money???? New features that in large part cant be useful enough because the card is to crippled to REALLY take advantage of those features???Shame on you AMD your getting greedy. I hate Nvidia and own your stock but your doing nothing for me now. I have to hope fermi gets here soon and does a half assed job so there will be some kind of competitiveness in the market.[/citation]

I take it you were in Cryo back in 2007... did you see what Nvidia did back then? 8800GTS 320mb for $400? ...and then there was the 8600GTS following it with nothing in between it, performance-wise.
[citation][nom]Judguh[/nom]I just have one question for the Tom's Hardware editors. Why write up this news article when its clear that you guys have a new feature article on the left of your homepage which tells us everything about the 5830? (that article, by the way, was a very awesome, informed article)[/citation]
While you may read Tom's Hardware through a web browser pointed directly to the front page, there are still a group who only subscribe to our News RSS feed ( For those people, having a news article alerting them to the review might be helpful.
"If you've only got a $250 budget"
What planet do you live on that makes you think that is not a lot of money for a video card? I think it's a mistake to spend anymore than that.

Too often websites like this boast about new features and show enthusism for video cards that cost waay more than they should. Based on the benchmarks I've seen I wouldn't pay more than $180 for this card. It is NOT better than the 4890.

Sure it has eyefinity which is great if you are rich enough to afford 3 monitors and if you got that kind of money to blow then you should be buying a top of the line card anyways.

Also, I know it supports Direct X 11 but I have seen the screen shots and can't even tell the difference not to mention the frame rate takes a HUGE hit when running a game in DX11 mode.

Here is some advice for those who don't have the experience of building computers since the Pentium II was popular.

1st..Try to keep it under $200.
Reason: The value of high end video cards drops increadibly fast if you buy a video card $600 there is a good chance that it won't be worth half that amount in a year.

2nd..Ignore the hype
Reason: Video card makers always want you to buy new video cards because that keeps the company profitable and keeps thier shareholders happy.

3rd..Pay attention to benchmarks
Reason: Just because it's of a newer generation doesn't mean it will nessarily give you better performance.

Rather than buying this card at $250 I suggest buying a 4890 NEW on ebay for $190 OR if you don't mind a used one you can get it for $175. If you hate ebay and will only buy retail then there is always the 4850 for only $100.
[citation][nom]mousemonkey[/nom]A die shrink and a bit of a hardware tweak then give a new name and sell it as a new card, a bit like what Nvidia is being berated for with the G300 series except when ATi do it it's fantastic and Nvidia are evil. Nice double standards don't you think?[/citation]

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. GT300 is one-to-one rebrand of GT200 series which itself is just a 40nm dx10.1 refresh of GT9x00 that is a rebrand of GT8x00 with 55nm process node. 8800GT, 9800GT, GT250, are pretty much identical. In recent history ATI has much bigger architecture changes each generation than nvidia. Nvidia finally does a total architecture change with Fermi but see how problematic and late it ended up to be.
dark_lord69 +20

This card will not cut it and seems to be a waist or end of bin run. 5830 = NO SALE maybe for $80.00 that it should be priced at.

Why can't they just use this excuse for a card as a IGP on a motherboard or something ?

O Power consumption performance heat is limiting it as IGP so they have to make a video card LMAO.

Will rather stick with the 4890 at least I know it works andd does not have the ATI driver issues.
What is up with the lack of video memory / lack of 2gb/4gb vram ?

So what was the 4770 then? What was it based on? Where is the GT230 and GT215? and a GTS250 and 9800GT are so identical what with one having 112SP's and the other having 128SP's. :pfff:
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