ATI Rage Mobility M1 Drivers Needed


Mar 11, 2011
Do any of you perhaps know where I could get Drivers for an ATI Rage Mobility M1? This is a Notebook graphics card. I have tried Google and and the AMD site aswell as Notebook vendors sites.
I have loaded Windows XP SP3 on the Notebook. I need the driver so that the S-Video output can be functional. Then I can plug it into my TV.

The notebook is a Mecer A450.

I wanted to keep this as a last resort. That is why I posted here hoping someone would know where to get the drivers.

I have already tried that. It says it can not detect any drivers for the GPU.
I got it to work. I installed the VGA driver from the A550 and it all work through my TV now.

Hell_storm2004 you are the only one that replied to my post, so you can get the best answer, just for trying.