ATIKMDAG stopped responding has recovered

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Jun 8, 2007
Hi Everybody,

I have had a running ticket with ATi for 2 weeks now and found the solution myself as they are useless. This is what I sent to them today from within my ticket! This works for me! (Also make sure you have enabled ACPI 2.0 support in BIOS not sure if it helps but best to be safe)


"I have the solution for my problem. I strongly suggest you post this to anyone else having this problem! (PS I am using 7.5 catalyst)

I found that if you go into the system configuration utility (Start menu then type "system configuration" in the search bar) and the choose the boot tab and then to advanced options. There you will see at the top two boxes that you can check one is processor and the other is memory. If you check both of these and choose one processor and then the max amount of memory that is on your system. Hit apply and ok. Restart your system and it should run quickly in 2d and 3d works! Yay!"





Apr 27, 2008
Well I had the same error. I tried all the suggested solutions, from arcane settings changes (like sys config utility/boot tab/advanced/etc . . .), to a variety of driver changes (catalyst, windows default, etc.), to stripping down the PC to a hard drive and a DVD, reloading Vista, and adding hardware back one component at a time.

One reference I did find which struck me as curious was someone that wrote that when they had taken their RAM down to one 1GB chip things ran fine. That stayed in the back of mind.

As I added back cards, drives and peripherals everything was working perfectly. Vista is/was insanely stable. Felt stable, no issues, nothing.

In stripped down mode I had been running one stick of memory. I didn't figure it was a RAM issue because I had run detailed tests on the RAM and everything checked out. In any case, the issue must be with one of the stick of RAM I had, because as soon as it was added back I had the error messages, the BSODs and the freezes.

In any case, hopefully I will save you a lot of time: Physically check your RAM through trial and error. It worked for me.


Nov 5, 2008
The solution works great PsiBoy but...
I have a QuadCore machine, won't this limit the OS to utilize only one core instead of taking advantage of all four cores?


Apr 19, 2009
Thanks sooooooooo much for that.. have tried to install 3 PCIe cards all with problems... after reading your post... tried it... and damn if it didn't work.. we need to sue microcrap for wasting our time on stuff.

Thanks again



May 2, 2009
In stripped down mode I had been running one stick of memory. I didn't figure it was a RAM issue because I had run detailed tests on the RAM and everything checked out. In any case, the issue must be with one of the stick of RAM I had, because as soon as it was added back I had the error messages, the BSODs and the freezes.

I had a problem similar to yours, I was running 2 gig 1 stick and every thing was fine. I just installed 4 gig, 2 sticks and am getting a BSOD as windows goes to the login screen with atikmdag.sys being the problem, I tried each stick by its self in all slots and every thing is ok as long as I only use 1 stick. - and it runs in safe mode with both sticks, so I don't think it is the memory or motherboard but that atikmgag.sys doesn't like more than one stick of memory (in my computer anyway). I'm running Win 7 (7000) This forum was my first stop in searching for a solution. I will search more and maybe try disabling it or delaying it during startup and see what that does. The fact someone else is having the same problem gives me hope :)


Nov 11, 2008
The issue is a TDR fault. The same thing occurs with nvlddmkm.sys or whatever the nvidia equivalent is. To the user who posted the website, you cannot understand atikmdag without understanding Timeout detection and recovery, a solely vista and windows 7 feature. Read up on that directly from microsoft and you will get a lot of answers to help your website.

It can be caused by anything between the power cord and the screen.. but generally (if it is working properly) indicates a hardware fault with the GPU. If you change the amount of RAM or cpu cores in msconfig you are crippling your system. Never use those as final solutions. If a second ram stick is causign the problems you have a setup issue beyond the GPU.

Most of the software causes to this are corrected in the latest drivers and windows 7. If the issue still happens in 9.4, and specifically windows 7 take a good hard look at your hardware.


Nov 11, 2008
Wow, welcome to dead threads.. just realized the OP was from 2007..... Why must we do this folks.. the issues he had have probably been corrected in the drivers ten times over


Feb 2, 2009
My drivers are 100% up to date, everything checks out in actual hardware terms, yet I STILL get this error (starting to become more frequent while playing games), so even for two years this has not been fixed. I read up a lot on TDR, is there a way to disable it? Or possibly increase the time it takes to stop the card?

Specs in my sig.


Jul 14, 2009
I had this chronic problem on my new ASUS M51se laptop (32 bit vista & ATI HD 3470) and was able to solve the problem by uninstalling ATI Catalyst Control Center which removes the atikmdag command all together.

Details of the problem are on this forum:

To uninstall I used windows add/remove programs, you just uninstall the ATI install manager program and follow the prompts that say 'uninstall all ATI software'. This will not affect the driver. More details are on the ATI website.

I was getting the atikmdag error along with system freeze ups, and even blue screen crashes. Uninstalling ATI CCC has totally fixed my problem and has not changed the quality of my graphics.

I also want to point out that I tried removing windows updates and messed around without other fixes but without result. This is the only thing that has rid my system of this severe instability.



Aug 15, 2009

this aint a dead thred i have a new toshiba with everything updated and i still get this shitty error 'driver atikmday stopped responding but was recovered' and i cant find out the solution.

i want to use my laptop to DJ live sets and cannot afford to have this crappy issue

zzzzzz i hate it


- Vista Home Premium
- 32-bit Operating System
- Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9300 @ 2.50GHz 2.50 GHz with 4.00 gig ram
- PSAG4A or Satellite A300/M00 is the model number
- ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650

does this help?

anyone found the solution please email me at and title the email 'atikmday driver solution' please so i can look out for it in junk mail.

many thanks


Nov 11, 2008

My comment that this thread was dead was also from months ago.. Additionally, I explained what this error is.. If you continue to have it regardless of updates and reinstall of the OS you probably have a bad display adapter.

This is TDR firing, it is easy enough to change the registry key value to disable TDR, but it will tend to turn these errors into hard crashes if something is actually wrong.


Sep 25, 2009
I also have this problem (ati2mkdag.sys stopped responding and recovered) which sometimes causes BSODs, I'm using catalyst 9.8 and mobility radeon 3650. But it only happens in 4 applications. Acrobat reader with GPU acceleration turned on. Autodesk 3ds Max and Autocad and google sketchup 7. It didn't happen in any of the games ever.
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