
Oct 31, 2010
Hey Th Community,

I am building a new rig that is being put into a smaller form factor case. It is a mini tower that can handle an atx motherboard (Lian Li PC-A05N). I love the case but have yet to choose a mobo for it. I am looking at picking up eVGA's new p67 ftw mobo when it comes out in the next month or so. My only problem is this is an EATX mobo. I have never worked with an EATX mobo before, but from what I understand the only difference between it an a regular ATX is the E 😉 correct me if I am wrong ATX = 12" length x 9.6" width. EATX is 12" length and 10.375" width. The difference between these two being .775" in width with no change in length.

Again I apologize this is my first time working with EATX so bare with me please if this is all common knowledge :pfff: The mobo trey in the Lian Li PC-A05N is 14" in length and 10" in width. I am thinking that if I installed an EATX boardI would need to drill new holes for that stand offs, this is not an issue I have modded cases before. The challenge is the over hang of .375". First off would it create major issues to have an over hang? I have room inside of the case to do so but is it a problem, and will I have enough mounting points for it to be secure?

If the answer to these questions is an obvious no then I apologize again for bringing up easy facts and questions. If the case is that it is an issue I could probably drill out the rivets and then get a piece of aluminum and create a new tray. This would not be difficult, just time consuming. I could then put in the new tray and every thing would be hunkydory if I am correct right??

If you guys have any thoughts ideas, etc please let me know

This is what the internal of the case looks like with an ATX motherboard:

I don't believe that 3.5" drives and an EATX motherboard can be installed together, but using smaller drives might work.

In picture I see another issue that might prove somewhat challenging to resolve. You'll have to find a short power supply to gain the space for an EATX motherboard.
Thanks for the quick reply. I have a semi modular psu and have already modded the case. I cant give picture right now but I can try to explain it. I simply cut a 120mm hole right beneath the psu and flipped it upside down so that it intakes fresh air from beneath the chassis. This also puts my psu cables on the oppiset side closer to the mobo tray.

Either way I am going to need to mod the mobo tray so that I can sneak wires behind it because I will not have a case that looks like phoronic's there haha, its not bad, just far too messy for my ocd taste.

Why do you say 3.5" drives can not be installed with an EATX mobo? Do you mean they wont fit in this tower? If so why do you think that? When I measured the drive bays had plenty of room still
Why do you say 3.5" drives can not be installed with an EATX mobo? Do you mean they wont fit in this tower? If so why do you think that? When I measured the drive bays had plenty of room still
If you look at the pictures, you'll see that the drives are quite a bit longer than the drive bays. They may clear the motherboard, but I don't have that case or an EATX motherboard to verify. Since you already have the case, it should be sort of easy to determine if everything will fit.
EATX is a derivative of SSI EEB and is 12" long by 13" deep. Many in-between-sized boards are labeled EATX, but anything less than 13" deep does not require the extra standoffs at 12.7" forward of the I/O panel.

Not to dig up a dead post: This one topped a Google search so it wasn't really dead yet.