Audio with AOL



I've used AOL for years and6 months ago changed to a free account. With no warning, all audio is gone when using AOL. I've checked all the setting and don't see anything unusual. Audio is fine when I use Internet Explorer. Had The Geek Squad at Best Buy look at it and they had no clue. I'm a senior citizen and this is beyond my skill. Can anyone help?
Why do you need AOL to begin with? You can get all news contect from other places and you can access your email from any location.

The videos on the web site look to be Flash, have you checked the volume control on the player? Should be an icon there looks like a speaker, when you hover the mouse over it will pop up the volume settings.

Thank you, but I did check the volume control. ITunes, Internet Explorer, etc. all have sound. I'm in my late 60's and it's hard to switch from AOL. All my favorite web sites are 1 click away and so easy to add new sites to my favorites. So easy to use. Could the problem have anything to due with ITunes and default audio? I've been using this new laptop for 3 months and haven't had a problem before this so that's what's really confusing me.