Australia Election Update

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You Aussies should [strike]stay away [/strike] come immediately to Washington.

Hung Parliment Likely Outcome Of Election.

My comment: Ausies have a way with writing catchy headlines. Note: I know nothing about Australian politics and the degree to which your Parliment is hung, but the catchy headlines surrounding your election is worthy of mention.

/the end.
LOL - guess that depend on how you think of "hung". Personally, whenever I think of politicians, I think of "hung" as in necktie party, strung up from a lamp post, doing the aerial fandango, etc...
LOL at JDJ. hahahahaha! My lawyer punched out a chimp spray painting gang graffiti on his law office. He laid in wait for him. He hurt his arm in the process. Rudy is not only cool enough to be Spanish punching out Spanish, He offered me his barely used emergency pistol dueling set for a similar problem I have been having. Sorry to take this thread off topic OP. Wait...I'm the OP. Carry on.

'Twasn't me as the saying goes 😀.

I suspect Mousemonkey had a role in her departure however 😛.

Anyway, things on Tom's are a lot quieter (too stinkin' quiet!) since she and her opposite (Intel-favoring) fanbois left. So now I mostly content myself with the occasional post in home theater and VOIP forums since those are my most immediate interests, and they are most definitely CPU-brand agnostic.

Moi? What did I do? [:mousemonkey]

Come to think of it, I haven't seen Random's avatar around in the last week or so - I suspect fowl play 😀.

As for Cat Bin Laden, the real reason she did it was because the poor kitty Lola was wearing this:

We still have a hung parliament ...

Seems to be going really well I should say.

With nobody game to say anything the place is quiet, and we are just moving along quite nicely.

How's that average sized gavernment going for you over there?

Wives happy??
Over here?! Well McDonald's has asked China for a loan if that is any hint of how the various aways non stimulating stimulus packages have spurred the economy onward. Look for the pictures of Nancy peeing in a hole in the concrete of her cell, and the President on his prayer rug seeking reelection.



Hmm, and here I thought her name was Nancy Pelosi, not Nancy Pee-loosely 😛.
Easy on Bill. He is the only one on that side who makes any sense to me in any way, shape or form. But like his foriegn policy decision making ability, He was a dufus and He chose wrong. Hill over Jennifer? What a let down the first lady was during his years and his ongoing no fly zone war with with Iraq. Flowers would have dropped the bomb baby.

Katie Couric? Woohoo!

My favorite Bill Clinton Youtube video which sums up his failed foreign policy efforts that ultimately caused the Iraq invasion and removal of Saddam. /end of Dems responsible for failed foreign policy rant.

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