Australia is relatively Zombie free.

We have plenty of churches in Adelaide, big crucifix, sharp wood stake and garlic neck... oh wait, this is a zombie attack. Run! I think I will be save in the posh suburb east of Adelaide. The posh zombies probably like their brain medium rare. Mine is all fried.
Heheh I like the term "relatively" zombie proof.

I would like to make an argument that a mace would be the most efficient zombie killing tool. It never needs to be sharpened, and who uses blades to crush heads.
I have this idea about how long a zombie could survive in the wild.....

So we know zombies have poor balance and aren't very sturdy on their feet. How often do you think they fall over? A few trips here or there and Im sure they would live. But a tumble down a hill or even a 10 foot fall will break bones and maybe they would even experience some head trauma and "kill" themselves. If they arent mobile this idea wont work but in the Walking Dead we do see them on the move more often than not.

Its really a numbers game after a while. How many times can a zombie fall down before they are crippled to the point of not being a danger or bump their head and kill themselves.

I need the long pole. I recommend you to get a weapon with a long pole as well. You don't want to be too close with the zombie.

Watch 28 days later and 28 weeks later. The body fluid from the zombies are infectious.

All the more to shoot. :)

I just found out last night I live next to a certified badass. I'm going to take taking instructions from him. The guy has done everything and his friends are the instructors on Top Shot.
I did some tactical rifle training.. and I spent a couple hours last night talking to this guy. His passion to explaining and instructing was like nothing I saw before. He was explaining every little concept and why with example.

I have a feeling I'm going to learn a lot more than I could ever expect.