Question B450I Wifi ITX Board Non Responsive after 2 weeks of use

Feb 15, 2020
So about a few weeks ago a built my dad a new PC to replace his old Emachines Computer that we've had since 2009 with the build here. however a day or 2 ago the build became completely non-responsive. no light from the Mobo of any kind, only a pass through to the Case LED not even a fan spinning up. as this has been spotted 11 months ago it clearly hasn't been resolved yet. has anyone came up with a reason at least for this situation yet? it seems pretty embarrassing on aorus part to release a board that could go dead after two weeks.

PC Build in Question:

Apparently those Integra power supplies may not have a good rep. I'd suggest to replace it and start there.

If the motherboard is having issues, I find that many times if parts go out, they usually do so within about the first 30 days.
Power Supply is working after testing it with a tool that i found in one of the other power supply boxes. i tried another power supply on the mobo and it fried the other power supply now i don't have one for my main pc. 😡