
Jan 30, 2013
I don't know much about OC but what I know is that it increases the voltage on the subject, makign clock goes faster, am i wrong?
Well, since i have a b75m i am wondering if it will crash using a "industry" OC high amps demanding card , like ASUS HD 7870, for example: a normal HD 7870 consume max 150w and this asus consume more than 220w.
Maybe im talking non sense but it really wonders me, because if b75m is a small business, it sounds bad to put a big VGA on it, which is a huge business to me, at least haha
thanks for your help

The overclocking of a GPU isn't dependent of the MOBO, only CPUs. You will be fine overclocking the hell out of that thing! :)


Jan 30, 2013
Sooo...for overclocking the cpu you increase its voltage, which b75m fails
But how come GPUs OC's are different? I mean, if it is a "industry' overclocked VGA, there would be no voltage increase, just watts (?).

Actually I don't pretend to overclock the GPU, i'm picking it up because here where i live, this vga is about $100 less (we S2 taxes) compared to 7950 and, at 'stock', it almost matches the performance, i do belive too that this card also have a better build compared to others models, it is noiser but, damn, 40~45db will be the lowest noise level in my room once I play musics and games... Anyway I appreciate your answer (y)