Question BACKLIGHT BLEEDING question (TN panel)


Mar 4, 2016
Hello guys ! I would like to ask if this is a normal amount of backlight bleeding on this monitor? (Acer Predator XN253Q Pbmiprzx )
pic1 (Acer)
Pic2 (Acer)
pic3 (Acer)
pic4 (Acer)
What do you guys think ? Is there backlight bleeding or no ? Specifically about the bottom right corner. Is this acceptable or a good case of almost no bleeding or it is bad ? It actually looks better if you look at it in person than it does on the pictures. They are taken with a phone.
Increased the brightness to 100% and this is how it is:
pic5 (100% brightness) (Acer)
pic6 (100% br) (Acer)

For comparison here is a photo of my cheap LG22m47vq:
LG cheap monitor for comparison

Thank you very much for future answers!
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What type of panel is it, TN, VA or IPS?

No panel is truly black. They all have some kind of bleed.

This is a TN panel monitor. Specifically about the bottom right. Still havent seen it in person though so i cannot say. I know TNs have the worst blacks. That i know. But i also know that with good calibration i get a perfect black on my cheap LG monitor for 140 euros. Now this monitor is a whole different class and I am expecting a lot from it. Not colour wise so much but to just not have backbleeing at all for the price. The model of the monitor is Acer Predator XN253Q Pbmiprzx .

This is how it is on my cheap monitor and to me it looks much better than on the expensive one. Any opinions ? LG monitor (cheap one) I barely notice tiny backlight bleeding on the right vertical... it is almost nothing.
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