Bad Memory?


Feb 27, 2007
Board type: ASUS M2N32-SLI DELUXE
CPU: 4200ghz AM2 Duel Core
Memory: 4x512mb Corsair (Value) DDR2 (VS512MB667D2)

Having problems keeping this system stable with 4 sticks of ram in the banks :(
I accidentally bought 8 sticks of DDR2 instead of 4 :oops: so i have plenty of different sticks to try, but its the same every time.
I've updated the bios to version 903 and it will still fail the memory test.
I searched the net and found a post saying that adjusting the SKEW to advance > 400 ~ 600 in the dram configuration will help, and it does, but only when i take out one of the sticks. Also i have been told to increase the memory voltage to 2.0 does also help.

I have never increased the voltage on anything i have built previously and i am worried i might damage the ram, as i hear they fry very quickly.

Does this mobo have problems running certain sticks of ram in duel-channel mode?
Any help would be welcome :D



Dec 24, 2005
4200GHz? Thats like the worlds fastest CPU!

I didnt think we'd see 4.2 Terahertz for a loooong time....

I think maybe you mean an Athlon X2 4200+, which is 2.2GHz, or 2200MHz.

2.0V wont be an issue at all. Most non-value DDR2 sticks are rated at 2.2V or 2.4V, the DDR2 standard is 1.8V but not many will actually run well at that voltage.

With 4 sticks on an Athlon, you might try a 2T command rate.

What made you buy 4x512 rather than 2*1024?


Feb 27, 2007
Thanks for your reply.

Yes i did mean the 4200+ hehe. Well... its my first post I'm allowed to make a typo or two :p

Anyway, the reason why i bought the amount i did, was by pure error on ebuyers part.

I requested 3 sticks of 1gig ddr2, but they sent me 8 sticks of 512mb modules. (yep, one pack extra then i ordered, even though the order was wrong to start with!!)

The Bios POST test just says that it FAILS MEMORY TEST when all the banks are populated.
I have tried fiddling about with the bios options, but the DRAM configuration has loads and loads of different options, some i have never even heard of and i have been building PC for 4 years!

I did try and RMA the ram to change it for what i wanted in the first place, but i was told that i can't change the RAM cos i had left it to long (7 days) after receipt :roll:

The memory timing is set at @ 1.80volts.
With everything else set to automatic configuration.