Bad performace from my pc?

Christopher Haycox

May 8, 2013
My performance is not what it should be on my pc its so slow in almost every game i play its:

Intel E2180@ 2.45Ghz
3GB DDR2 @1066Mhz

it lags in every game i play when it shouldn't i know its not the best pc but its more then capable to play these games with no problems..

These are the fps i get
Borderlands 2 10-25 fps
Call of duty 4 20-80 fps
GTA 4 22-30 fps
Mass Affect 2 10-30fps
Farcry3 with low or high settings 5-20fps
Metro LL 10-20

Now as you can see thats poor performance yet i know the pc isnt that good but i should get better then that i should think

but the think is i have a P4 HT 775 with 2GB ddr1 ram and a 8800gtx witch out performs this on all of them games apart from gta 4 but come on its gta 4 lol, could it be a bottleneck? i had OC'd my cpu to its limit if i go more then 2.45 i get the BSOD

thanks in advance

because the E2180 OC'd is equivalent to the E6300 i think i read on the internet and the E6300 is above the E3200?

Hmm more or less the same as mine thats weird but if i load winxp i get about 50% increase in all my games i would stick with xp but its out dated now
What amused me was that it would open the window, completely black then crash out.

I had to alter its settings ini to load in low texture. Now they updated and added low textures to the options menu, but i couldnt get it to load to options menu so the button is useless to anyone that needs it xD

Yet now in low textures it works better with the onboard than the gpu. And yet the onboard struggles to stream 1080 youtube. 720 is the limit it handles xD

haha xD i think at the end of the day i need to get a new pc ie. i7 with 80gb of ram and 10 gpus with 5000w psu lmao that would be awsome