[SOLVED] Bad performance causes (other than GPU)


Sep 13, 2014
So I'm refurbishing my friends old gaming desktop and I'm having a low performance issue. Playing games like overwatch or vrchat causes a lot of laggy, low, framerates even though the framerate indicator is showing that I'm getting about 60+fps. The audio also will start to become very jagged almost as if it was glitching. He previously had a gtx 760 in there so I was hoping a GPU upgrade was all it needed, so I got a 1060 and it definitely can run at ultra ulike the 760 but it still has that performance issue, even in low settings. Granted I found out the card I was sent wasnt a 6gb but rather a Chinese Cafe 5gb which I'm sending back mainly in principle, but it does worry me that it's not just the GPU. Other major components are and i7 3.5, 16 gb of RAM, my laptops ssd as storage, and a msi motherboard. There's no issues switching between programs, loading up webpages, searching through files etc etc. But I will say when watching YouTube, it quite often will get that in game performance issue I've been talking about. Any suggestions?
My reason for not trusting that GPU is it's meant for internet/LAN cafe's. Legit or not it may or may not play well with consumer gaming drivers, as is the case with a lot of workstation cards and even laptop GPUs. It's not the kind of thing I advise taking a risk on if your primary use is gaming.