Question Bad resolution

Aug 20, 2019
Hello.. First sorry for my bad english..
I buyed new PC - Intel core i3 8100 3.6GHz 6mb,ram 8, 1000GB HDD, 120gb SSD, asus ph. GeForce 1050Ti 4gb..
First I connected vga to TV and resolution was good.. Then I connected to Nvidia one with HDMI rêsolution was kinda bad.. I get new HDMI cabel from friend gonna test tonight.. I will some suggestions if thats not work..
Thanks and have a nice day
Follow the instructions at to change the resolution of Windows 10. You might also have to manually change the resolution of games. Open their options/settings, and change the resolution, often under video settings
I think thats not working, tried with another tv same problem, when I connect vga(intel card one) the resolution is good, when connect hdmi its bad, I upgraded drivers, changed resolution all type, changed in game video settings.. If someone can help I can share teamviewer and check.. Its just feel bad cant play games 🤪
Problem is kinda solved. I connected HDMI with something and make it VGA. Somehow tv dont adjust HDMI resolution. Tried with 19 inch and its worked.. Another question,how to know ehat type tv monitor will work