Bandwidth Limit


Jan 26, 2009

So I have a relativly simple question. I have a sonicwall AccessPoint with a WPA2-E encryption and the guy on the phon from tech support is telling me that even though its a wireless N router and its enterprise level the most I can get out of it with is 27mb download... and I am paying for 50mb with comcast.
Is this true?

Thanks again,
Seems like that is a bit light, they must not support packet aggregation limiting you to 300mbps (instead of the 600mbps that unit will do), which still should give you a maximum transfer rate of 37.5mBps.

Does your Internet come in directly to the AP, with no router ahead of it in the connection?

The conversion from link speed (in bits per second) to a real data transfer speed (in bytes per second) is about 1/10, not 1/8. This has been a common point of confusion ever since 10baseT, and now extends to 802.11x ratings.

So how come I still cant get above 20 at best and most of the time I get in the teens...
Your speed will be limited not only by your connection speed to your Internet service provider (ISP), but also the slowest connection speed between your ISP and the server, by the speed of the server itself, and also the write speed of your hard drive.

For example, I have 8Mbps download speed, but I rarely get more than 5Mbps to a single server. However, if I download 2 or 3 streams simultaneously from different servers I can always max out my download speed.